Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thank God Ang showed up today. I got the idea that I would try canning salsa. Now I have been putting this off for a few weeks, I now understand why. I thought about making a half batch but then I figured I wouldn't want to do it twice if it worked. So 20 pounds of tomatoes, 6 onions, 30 different peppers and some other stuff, I now have salsa.
I chopped tomatoes and peppers for about 2 hours and Ang chopped for an hour to get stuff started. Then it ends up my biggest pot is not big enough. To top it off it is supposed to make 20 pints of salsa, WRONG!!! I washed up 18 jars and figured we'd eat the rest. I have filled all 18 jars, we have eaten 2 bowls full and I still have a quarter of the salsa to can. I am now washing 6 half pint jars too.
Top all this off I am making dinner too, for six of us!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekly Personal Challenge
This week my hour is going to be split up into sections and my week is going to include both Sundays, making it 8 days long. My hour is split into 15 minutes cleaning my Sewing Studio, 15 minutes working on mending or a UFO I don't want to work on and the last 30 minutes is working on the 120 Christmas cards I am sending out this year. Now here is another catch to this if I spend more than the allotted time one project I still have to spent the whole amount of time on the other projects, it just cuts into my fun sewing time. This should give me 2 hours each on cleaning and UFO's and 4 hours toward my Christmas cards.
Next Sunday I will post photos of what my room looks like after. Hopefully improved. I notice a difference even after just last night.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
VCB's Halloween Contest

First is from my doorway looking across the room to the window. Yes my machine is still in my Tutto from the night before, it should be on the table where the pink fabric is. That is my new iron. The table under the window is scrapbooking stuff.
This second photo is standing behind the ironing board looking over to the left. Those are my bookcases with everything from Quilting Books to Fiction to my books from childhood. On the floor is about 20 quilt tops that need quilted and a few other projects. My Featherweight is in it's box. My first sewing machine is on top of the bookcase. The faint white line at the left edge is my armoir that stores my stash.
This last photo is from standing in front of the window looking into my closet. The Right side is my Scrapbooking stash and the left side has all the boxes with projects is various stages of finished. More UFO's under the ironing board.
Happy Birthday Chelsea!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Everyday Life
The other day Scott heard a joke on the radio and felt the need to call my mom at work to leave it on her voicemail for when she got their. Here it is:
Why do squirrels always swim on their backs?
To keep their nuts dry.
I often get phone calls from Scott and Joe asking what I'm wearing. The proper response is nothing.
Years ago when we were first dating, Scott was out at my parents house, my mom was making pizza with green olives. Scott was asking my mom what it was and what does it taste like. My mom said he could try one. Scott tried an olive. You could tell he didn't want to be rude and spit it out but he didn't want to eat it either. My mom said to spit it out if he didn't like it. After that Scott TOTALLY UNCENSORED said "Man, I need to bend over and lick my ass to get the taste out of my mouth."
Scott has also decided we no longer need to save for Poop to go to college she can pay for it herself. He calls her "his little striper." The ONLY thing she will wear when we are at home is leg warmers, panties and my high heals. God forbid if music comes on the TV, she starts to dance. She will spin, do a booty bounce and then slap her butt.
Delaney is forever telling me that her "butt cheek is hang out."
A few weeks ago I was out at our warehouse for work and one of the guys asked if he told me something would I get offended. Really living with Scott is that possible?
Monday, October 20, 2008
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
As I am at the first window paying I heard the person behind me order came up to $1.08 also. So I got my change from my $5 and tell the nice employee I'll pay for the next order too. She first looked at me like I was crazy and then asked "Are you sure?" I say yes and hand her $1.10 and drove to window two.
Here is my punishment. The next nice employee says "I'm sorry miss, we are out of Tea, can I get you something else?" ARE YOU FRICKIN' KIDDING ME! So I got Diet Coke. Now in the mean time, the poor nice employee at window one is having to deal with the lady in the car behind me, who is arguing about me paying for her order.
As for my shopping, Home Goods has some of their Christmas stuff in, I got some great ornaments. I also got some ABC Gingerbread Men cookie cutters, Already Been Chewed. The Shoe Pavilions at Sherwood Mall is going out of business, I didn't go in. T.J.Maxx has some beautiful toddler girls Christmas dresses in, by Cinderella and only $19.99.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Home From PIQF
The wonderful quilter Rhonda Beyer took home 2 ribbons at this show. A first place for the quilt she did with Penelope Tucker. This picture is of the quilt at Road to California, where it also scored a first place.
Rhonda also got a second place on another quilt she appliqued and quilted. I am not sure if I took a picture of it yesterday, Sorry.
I also got to meet the Fabulous Gina Halladay of Quilters Buzz, Threaded Pear, AND Cranberry Quiltworks! I had the most wonderful time talking to her. I also got a Threaded Pear pattern and I can't wait to make it! Gina told me of some exciting things she has coming up. By the time I got to my car I wanted to drive to Orange County. Be on the look out for some GREAT things from Gina this next year.
I stopped by Quarter Inch Publishing and of course I had to buy something. So I got the new pattern Skully. I actually got the kit in a cute glow in the dark skull bag. Jane's sister was not with her this year, she was home helping their younger sister. I left the booth in tears, please keep their family in your prayers.
Lastly as I was leaving I stopped and talked to friends. MISTAKE!!! I got challenged, the good Lord knows I can't pass up a challenge. So here it is, I have to complete a quilt, photograph it (Heather that's your part), fill out an application and mail it in time for next years show. Wish me luck! I started on it today.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Iron Deficiency
I have blown the heating element in 3, yes that's right 3, Irons in less than 30 days. WOW!!! The first was me beloved Rowenta, made in Germany. I have had my dear Iron for 6 1/2 years. All of the sudden one night, poof no heat. Then I go to my closet and pull out one of the 2 back up class/retreat Irons. Not bad but a CHEAP Target Iron, not like my Rowenta. It lasted not even a week. So I pull out the last Iron, the not as cheap Target Iron. Last night the light was on but no body was home. Down went the third Iron.
Now of course I have been working on a Baby Puke set for a shower Friday night. And of course I am making cute pleats on the blanket, and I have NO Iron to set them with. So off to JoAnn's I went tonight. I bought a lower end Rowenta Iron and I filled out the warranty card before plugging it in.
Now some of you are thinking I have had my Iron for 20 years, how can she KEEP blowing them up? When I am sewing I can use my Iron 4-8 hours a day, everyday. That is more than most people do in a month. Which is why I now have an Iron Deficiency. Anyone got an Iron I can borrow?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Time on Your Hands...
Okay now that you are back, I think did some amazing work. To explain to non sewer/quilters what you just looked at. She made a dress with the salvage edge of fabric. Now this is not just any dress. The top part is fitted, with buttons and placket, set in sleeves and collar with stand. Now if that wasn't enough work the skirt portion of the dress is a circle skirt! That is yards of fabric! Don't miss the matching belt.
The amazing part is not just the amount of work that went into this dress she made it out of the edge of the fabric that most sewer/quilters throw away! I read through some of her older post and she cuts a 1/4" into the fabric above her salvage edge.
I am thinking I might have to give this a try. What could I make?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Self Promotion

This is a Jelly Roll/Bali Pop class. If you buy your "Roll" and pay for your class at the same time you get a 10% discount. Total cost is just under $60. The class is 4 hours and I think most people should get the top done in class.
Last I heard there are 6 people in the class and room for 4 more. Of course if the demand is HIGH, Jennifer will add another class. To sign up for the class you can call the shop at 209-824-0485 or swing by the shop on Main Street in Manteca.
I have got to say a BIG THANK YOU to Heather of Moomp Photography for the wonderful quilt photo. She does a fabulous job. This is the same Heather of the Holiday Mini Sessions, got mine booked, do you? And another BIG THANK YOU to Ang, she is doing the illustrations for the pattern when she gets home from Georgia Monday! It is great to have talented friends to make you look good!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Quilting Q & A
1. So how long have you been sewing? 30 YEARS! I got my first machine the Christmas I was 4 years old. I still have it. It was a toy machine by Mattel.
2. How big of a stash can you really have? I have over 300 yards in my stash, that is fabric NOT committed to a project. I have MORE fabric (a few hundred yards of that too) that is committed to either an UFO, future project or a back for a finished top.
3. How many UFO's could you have? Some of you may remember that at the beginning of the year I stopped counting at 28 because that is where I ran out of lines on the paper. I refused to turn the paper over or add a sheet. So the answer is vague over 30 UFO's.
4. How many project do you have going on now? I never know the answer to this one. Off the top of my head I can count that I am working on 8 projects and I have finished 3 others already this week. I jump around a lot.
5. How many quilt tops do you have that need quilting? First let me say WOW! I didn't think that numbers were this high! I have 22 tops at my house that need quilting and 5 tops at Ladybug's Quilt Shop. Grand Total 27 finished quilt tops!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Ending of Vacation
I got the Cars pillow case done and twin size Cars quilt top pieced for my friends Dave and Liz's little boy. I finished the last two outside borders Saturday morning. I am still waiting for fabric from e-bay for the backing. I am hoping to quilt this month.

Saturday afternoon I spent working on the layout of my Mod Quad. I got 4 of the 5 rows set before going to coffee with my girlfriends. This one will be dropped off at Ladybug's Quilt Shop tomorrow morning. I will be teaching this as a class in November. I will also be picking up the Black and White one I did in May tomorrow.

I spent today finishing up Mod Quad, sewing a few blocks of my Christmas Presents quilt and sewing aprons. I got 1 apron finished, 1 apron I ran out of thread top stitching (I will get some tomorrow and finish it), and 2 more 50% done. I plan to finish the aprons on Monday.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cultural Experience
We have tried to pack a lot into our trip. Monday we had planned to go to the zoo, that didn't work out. It rained for 2 hours in the morning and then we had a few short burst of rain during the day. We ended up driving through the Gas Lamp District and then to Balboa Park. We spent about 2 hours at a very nice playground with the kids. We learned that all of the kid friendly museums are closed on Mondays. We also went to Old Town for dinner and walked around. The kids watched ladies make corn and flour tortillas.
Tuesday we made it to the Zoo. We became annual pass holders. Now some of you are trying to figure out why would we join a zoo 400 mile from home, it was cheaper than the 5 day 2 park pass. My friend Ryan suggested we look into the annual pace price and what it comes with. It saved us $26 just getting in. Then it came with some free stuff and discounts in the park. Our total saving yesterday alone was about $50! Also some zoos honer annual passes from other zoos, we will look into this when we get home. I went to Rosie's Calico Corner, fabric shopping 7 miles away, while the girls napped.
Today we are going to breakfast at Big Kitchen and then we are heading out to the Wild Animal Park. Maybe another trip to the Rack too.