Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Prayers Needed
Tonight I am headed to my guild sewing night. Since the Library is closed for furlough for the holidays we are meeting at Ladybug's Quilts. Now to figure out what I am taking. I need to mark my New Year's project. I need to cut some more on my Margarita's at Midnight. I am mostly at a point that I need to sew. I have cut 4 tops lately but I don't want to pack my machine tonight. Hmmmm.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Where Has The Time Gone?
So we are recovering from our holiday celebrations, the decorations will come down on Tuesday, my next day off. And toys will be sorted, some have to go to make room for the ones Santa left. Can you say TRAIN SET!!!
I am prepping for my New Year's Day Quiltathon. I have for many years spent New Year's Day by going to the R Lily Sale, coming home to pre wash my fabric and then cutting and completing a quilt top that day. Nothing hard, usually squares and stripe piecing. This year my plan is a little different. I am going to miss going to R Lily, which I have missed greatly all year. I have to work in the morning but I still plan on sewing. I am actually spending this week cutting 3 quilt tops to be worked on New Year's Day. I am hoping to be productive.
I am still thinking up some Resolutions that I might keep and that will fit in with my life. I am excited to be apart of Judy's Stash Busting. My goal is 104 yards, only 2 yards a week. My progress will be charted on my Stash & Scrap Blog. I am also excited to be apart of the Black and White Quilt Challenge. I have some big sewing plans this year.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Easy Way...
I need to hit Target, out north. I need the mall, center of town. I need the movie theatre, Down town. The pharmacy, East side. If I was lucky the quilt shop in Manteca. Oh and I need to figure out what kind of dessert I am making for tomorrow and hit a grocery store, yeah I just left the one I was working at today.
I was hoping I could get my mom to go to the theatre and Scott to go to Target. NO!!! No one in my family will answer the phone! So I am off like a prom dress.
Maybe I will hit JoAnn's since I am going that way. Sees is at the mall. And Starbucks is next to the theatre. And if I am lucky the store by the pharmacy will be grilling Tri Tip and I can get a sandwich for lunch. I might as well get something for me while I am out.
Monday, December 22, 2008
2.33 Days and Counting
As for my gifts, I have given up on making the grocery bags this year. They will work with next years theme and I have plenty of time to make them, 367 days. I still have to buy 1 gift card, I didn't feel like walking in the rain this weekend to do it. I have 1 scrapbook page to make, Piece O'Cake! Baking to start, I am bringing butter to room temp now. And just a few packages to wrap.
Honestly all I want to do is sew something fun for me!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Version Of Freecycle
I am wanting to make a quilt in it called Pesto Presto.
This is where FreeCycle comes in. If you have a copy of the magazine and would be willing to send it to me I will trade you something. Would you like a Cafe Apron? A Glam Bag? Nickle Squares? ect. I am sure we can work something out.
I am making the plea to my readers because I am having issues with paying $4.99 plus $5.95 for shipping or $2.47 plus $7 for shipping. If you would like to help me out leave me a comment PLEASE!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Are You Ready???
Today I finished another purse and 2 pillow cases. I still have 12 Grocery bags to sew. Then my sewing will be done.
I need to make 72 more Christmas cards, address 110 cards and mail them. The Goal is to have them out in the last pick up Saturday.
Then to start the baking!
I only have 2 gifts to buy, my dad (the hardest one) and a big girl mattress/box spring for Delaney. We are converting her toddler bed to a full size. Man I love Life Time furniture!
So what do you have left? What have you given up on? How much more shopping do you need to do?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Doll
This is an article submitted to a 1999 Louisville Sentinel contest to find out who had the wildest Christmas dinners. It won first prize.
As a joke, my brother Jay used to hang a pair of panty hose over his fireplace before Christmas. He said all he wanted was for Santa to fill them.
What they say about Santa checking the list twice must be true because every Christmas morning, although Jay's kids' stockings overflowed, his poor pantyhose hung sadly empty.
One year I decided to make his dream come true. I put on sunglasses and went in search of an inflatable love doll. They don't sell those things at Wal-Mart. I had to go to an adult bookstore downtown.
If you've never been in an X-rated store, don't go. you'll only confuse yourself. I was there an hour saying things like, 'What does this do?' 'You're kidding me!' 'Who would buy that?' Finally, I made it to the inflatable doll section.
I wanted to buy a standard, uncomplicated doll that could also substitute as a passenger in my truck so I could use the car pool lane during rush hour.
Finding what I wanted was difficult. 'Love Dolls' come in many different models. The top of the line, according to the side of the box, could do things I'd only seen in a book on animal husbandry. I settled for 'Lovable Louise.' She was at the bottom of the price scale.
To call Louise a 'doll' took a huge leap of imagination.
On Christmas Eve and with the help of an old bicycle pump, Louise came to life.
My sister-in-law was in on the plan and let me in during the wee morning hours. Long after Santa had come and gone, I filled the dangling pantyhose with Louise's pliant legs and bottom. I also ate some cookies and drank what remained of a glass of milk on a nearby tray. I went home, and giggled for a couple of hours.
The next morning my brother called to say that Santa had been to his house and left a present that had made him VERY happy, but had left the dog confused. She would bark, start to walk away, then come back and bark some more.
We all agreed that Louise should remain in her pantyhose so the rest of the family could admire her when they came over for the traditional Christmas dinner.
My grandmother noticed Louise the moment she walked in the door. 'What the hell is that?' she asked.
My brother quickly explained, 'It's a doll.'
'Who would play with something like that?' Granny snapped.
I kept my mouth shut.
'Where are her clothes?' Granny continued.
'Boy, that turkey sure smells nice, Gran,' Jay said, to steer her into the dining room. But Granny was relentless.
'Why doesn't she have any teeth?'
Again, I could have answered, but why would I? It was Christmas and no one wanted to ride in the back of the ambulance saying, 'Hang on Granny, hang on!'
My grandfather, a delightful old man with poor eyesight, sidled up to me and said, ' Hey, who's the naked gal by the fireplace?' I told him she was Jay's friend.
A few minutes later I noticed Grandpa by the mantel, talking to Louise. Not just talking, but actually flirting. It was then that we realized this might be Grandpa's last Christmas at home.
The dinner went well. We made the usual small talk about who had died, who was dying, and who should be killed, when suddenly Louise made a noise like my father in the bathroom in the morning. Then she lurched from the mantel, flew around the room twice, and fell in a heap in front of the sofa. The cat screamed. I passed cranberry sauce through my nose, and Grandpa ran across the room, fell to his knees, and began administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
My brother fell back over his chair and wet his pants.
Granny threw down her napkin, stomped out of the room, and sat in the car.
It was indeed a Christmas to treasure and remember. Later in my brother's garage, we conducted a thorough examination to decide the cause of Louise's collapse. We discovered that Louise had suffered from a hot ember to the back of her right thigh.
Fortunately, thanks to a wonder drug called duct tape, we restored her to perfect health.
I can't wait until next Christmas.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Services for Liz-EDIT
Thursday afternoon there will be a viewing at the Deegan Funeral Home in Escalon from 2pm to 5pm. It will be closed casket. I don't remember the time, it should be in the paper Tuesday.
Friday at 10 am is the service again closed casket at St Patrick's Catholic Church in Escalon on 120. Manteca Quilters will be sitting together. If you have a wearable art piece Jacket or vest please wear it. Quilters are also helping provide food for after the service. If you would like to contribe something they are still needing salads, desserts, and sides.
At this time I do have an address to send cards to. I will work on getting it for those who would like it. Please e-mail me if you would like me to forward you the address, I will not post others personal information on my blog. dyline24@hotmail.com
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Full Weekend!
Saturday was a pancake breakfast with Santa for my niece's class fund raiser. Delaney had a blast. She even got within touching distance of Santa without screaming like a loon. We are waiting pictures from Other Mom, Linda. I still needed to make 2 pairs of Christmas PJ's for the Train trip in the afternoon. Ang headed to Truckee to go to ski school training thing. I head to H's house to drop off the rest of the PJ's. At 3pm we head out for Old Sacramento to ride on the Polar Express! We had a wonderful evening with the Waddle and Mompean families on the train ride and pizza dinner. As we left Pizza me and Scott stopped at Evangeline's to do a little shopping and head over to Ikea. We soon learned that Ikea closes at 8pm EVERYDAY we arrived at 8:11pm. Guess I am making another trip.
Sunday has been spent may ways. First the internet, blog surfing and e-mailing. Second I made my niece Nikole's Christmas gift. Now I will be working on Christmas Cards and then back to some sewing.
Today is also the celebration of my friend Heather's birth! Happy Birthday Heather!!! We will be getting together later in the month to celebrate just the girls today she is celebrating with her family.
As you can tell I have no pictures. I did take a camera with me this weekend but it was dead. Of course I didn't take the Kodak that I could buy 2 AA's for I took the dead Sony that needed to be charged! So as I get pictures from the friends of the curse I will post them for you.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sad Day
Services will be next week. If you would like more information please contact me. dyline24@hotmail.com
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Happy Birthday DAVE!!!
I met Dave 12 years ago when I lived in Long Beach. He has been a great friend. Dave and his wife Liz have since move to the Dallas area. I decided I would love to take Dave and his new family to dinner for his birthday but he just lives to far from Stockton. So I went to dinner for Dave's birthday by myself. I had to think what would Dave really like to have for his birthday dinner. So here it is...

That's right I went to the Stockton In-N-Out for dinner. IT was way good too!!! And smelled even better. Love you Dave! Hope you had the best birthday ever with your kids! dy
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Curse and A Blessing
The curse comes with them knowing my talents. This coming weekend we are all headed to Old Sacramento to ride on the train. We were sitting around coffee last week talking what pj's the kids will be wearing. One of them pipes up and says "Dianah will probably whip something cute up for Delaney." CRAP!!! I was going to run to Costco and great her a Carter's sleeper. Now what?!?
This past weekend I was at JoAnn's and Christmas flannel was on sale $1.99 per a yard. DOUBLE CRAP!!! For the two of you Delaney will have Christmas flannel pj's made by mom this weekend.
Now here is the catch in this I know your talents too! So Sunday morning I will be checking both your blogs for pictures from the train ride. We all know that 1) I most likely wont remember to bring my Easy Share Kodak, 2) if I do bring it I will maybe only take 1 or 2 pictures, 3) they will be trapped in the camera for a while and 4) between the two of you and your husbands you will have beautiful cameras and will be clicking away! And speaking of your talents I really would love a new winter blog header maybe with a family photo.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Quiltathon With Judy
I have finished a swing purse and 2 aprons. I have cut out a quilt block for a sampler I am working on and have pre-washed some cheap flannel for Poop some PJ's for next weekends train ride.
I am still hoping to get part of the PJ's cut out tonight and work on another purse. I only have an hour until bed time though. I promise pictures tomorrow of what got done and some new stuff on etsy.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
For Scott
Happy discoveries!
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a preying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisioning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served in a Soup Kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets, or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Time Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in Person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Monday, November 24, 2008
What You All Have Been Waiting For...
My new adventure is I have opened an Etsy shop. My shop is called Kumquat Kewtie. I can also be found by typing in dyline.etsy.com. Please stop by and seeing what's going on. So far I have only one listing BUT I am hoping to be up to five by Wednesday. Right now it will be mostly baby stuff and I am hoping to grow my shop over the next year.
For those of you who don't know what Etsy is, here you go! Etsy is a site, similar to E-bay. Etsy host a site that people can list things they have made, supplies to make stuff, or vintage items. The artist then has their own store front on the Etsy site, sets their own store policies and Etsy charges a small fee per an item to do all of this. You as the buyer can browse through tons of stores all on one site for that special item you are looking for. You purchase it at the asking price no bidding and waitng.
Lastly THANK YOU to all of the support and help I have received from my friends this past week. Without each of you there is no way I would even think about doing this, let alone be doing it. Thanks for the Shop Banner, Business Cards, pricing input, and most importantly listening and encouragement.
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Adventures Started and Coming Soon!
For me I have been getting my ducks in a row to start a new adventure. I still have a few stray ducks that should fall in line over the weekend. I am planning the unveiling of my adventure for Monday. A sneak peak may happen on Sunday night. One duck is wanting to do his own thing. The good part of this adventure is my Dad's student loan money and my time in college will finally be put to use.
Delaney's next new adventure comes on Black Friday. She is going camping with Gamma and Papa for the first time for the whole weekend. I think my phones are dead so I wont have to go pick her up early!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
9 Days Away!!!
As for Thanksgiving, I have the turkey. Yes me! Now don't get your hopes up, I am NOT cooking the turkey. My mom is picking up the Turkey this weekend and she will cook it. Although I have cooked a turkey before. My house in in charge of bringing the deep fried cranberry sauce. This is a Paula Deen recipe and it is sooo good. We might even wipe up a batch of Emril's Jack Daniels Chocolate Ice Cream.
And how do you resist Black Friday!!! I am sad I think I have to work that morning. I am going to see if I can go in at 4am so I have a chance at making some of the sales. I have started some of my shopping but I still have a little left. Mostly I have a ton of sewing to do.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
HHR Monterey Convoy
After meeting everyone and checking out each others cars we headed over to Cannery Row. We parked a block west of Cannery and right outside of the Candy Baron Candy Shop. I will tell you right now we were the only ones with a kid and she didn't have the biggest bag of candy leaving the candy store. The weather was high 70's and we were dying!!! I had to buy me and Poop tacky tourist t-shirts. With a stop at the Sock Shop we left Cannery Row. The Convoy headed toward Pacific Grove and we stopped by the ocean. Again to check out each others cars and look at the ocean. Me and Poop climbed down the rocks to put our feet in. Then we headed out to pick up our lunch orders.
WOW!!! One of the guys in the group knew of the BEST deli, Compagno's at 2000 Prescott Avenue in Monterey and they take phone orders (831) 375-5987. Let me tell you I ordered us 2 whole sandwiches for the 3 of us and we only ate 1. They filled a large take out box. Worth going back for.
Then we headed out toward Asilomar Beach for a picnic lunch. While everyone else wiped out their lawn chairs I through down the quilt. People were impressed that we had a picnic quilt. Now this is the quilt my friend Dino made us for our wedding. She said she wants it used and abused, don't save this one for special. I believe we have used and abused it. A few years ago it was locked in the car door and Scott riped it from the car. It now has a 2 inch tear through it. Yesterday when I through it out on the ground I through it over dog shit and sat on it! I did wash it today.
After lunch we cruised on through Carmel. That was the end of our day with the group. Some people headed down highway 1, others went home and we went to Back Porch Press Quilt Shop.
We had a great time meeting a great group of people. I though Scott was the only one crazy over his little car. Scott looks sane. We are looking forward to the next G2G.
By the way for those who do know, this was me until yesterday, HHR stands for Heritage High Roof. This was the name for the 1949 Surburban and Surburban Panel before it went into production.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Linclon Ceter Holiday Open House
Santa will be arriving. He will be in the Santa House for kids to visit and take pictures with. This is the best because you get to take your own pictures and it is FREE!!!
There will be cookies and hot chocolate. Some of the stores will even have cookie decorating for the kids. Also there will be live reindeer for the kids to pet and see. All the stores will be open and some are even having special promotions.
If you haven't been to Lincoln Center lately there have been MANY changes. Ocean Bath has moved over by Bud's Sea Food. In the Ocean Bath space is rumor to be some sort of food. La De Da is no longer in business and that space is being changed for FINA to move in. Bookland book store is also no longer. Lino Bella has moved from the Mile into the old Bookland space, they have bedroom and home dec stuff. The art store next to Birkenstock is also no longer their and that space is now the CR Porter Annex. In the old Sugar 'n Spice space is Along The Way. They are a parent teacher supply store, which happens to be owned by my cousins Steve and Erica. Now I didn't have time to look on the north side of the center, Hallmark's side but I am they have changes their too.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Roller Coaster Ride
Scott got laid off a week ago. He has been with the same company for over 15 years. He has worked his way up from a laborer to a foreman in that time, been through a change in ownership and a few name changes. The construction industry is so bad right now that will don't know if he will be able to go back to JVC. The good of this is due to our many WONDERFUL friends he was recommended to another company as a foreman doing commercial framing. He did a phone interview on Tuesday and received a job offer. We are so lucky!!! We are waiting to hear when he will start the new job.
I have been not feeling well for a few days. I am taking a nasty prescription that has horrid side effects. I have had hangovers feel better than this, good thing I only twice a day. I have been working on the swaps I signed up for, I have 4 partners to make stuff for in the next 12 days. I have been working on a scrap swap, we send eachother some scraps, make something with them and send the finished item back. I have 3 partners in this swap. It has been great fun to work with other people's fabric. The hard part is I made a GREAT purse and I don't want to send it back. I e-mailed my partner and she has more scraps!!! She is going to send me some so I can make me a purse too. I am also working on a flirty holiday hostess apron, so cute!
Scott has the Northern California HHR Club's Monterey Run this Saturday and is trying to figure out if he can go or not. There will be close to 50 HHR's cruising from Gilroy to Monterey Saturday morning.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thank You
Many of you are enjoying a day off work or sales at your favorite retailer PLEASE remember what this day is really about. Please take a moment and Thank a veteran.
Remember to say "Thank you" to the men and women who have put their lives on the line for us to enjoy many luxuries that we take for granted. Last week we had the opportunity to vote for new leaders of our country, if not for our service people we may not have been able to have so many of the freedoms we take for granted.
My life has always been surrounded by Veteran's, from Great Grandfather to Grandfather to Dad to cousins and friends. Thank You all!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
More Self Promotion
This is the one I did out of Hand Dies and Batiks. I love it! It is so different from the first one I did. Most of this one is from my stash, I think I got a few from my mom and bought only 3 pieces!!!

I am going to make another one for a birthday gift that will be all black and white with only hot pink color splashes. I would love to see someone make it in Red, White and Blue! LA are you up for it?
So now that you are hooked call Jennifer on Tuesday at 209-824-0485 and get on the list to take the class!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Winter Cleaning
Today was my living room. I empty all the furniture but the couch and went to work. This includes wiping down the base board, chair rail, wainscoting, ect. Next I need to do some touch up painting. I just had Scott bring in the tree for that living room so it will go up tonight. I will decorate it next week though.
I am hoping to take on Scott's living room over the weekend. He will be working at Big Joe's so I have to hold off on moving the furniture and doing the floors until next week. I hope to put up the village on Black Friday. The outside lights get turned on that day too.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
She WON!!!
We are hoping that the District 6 seat still has votes coming in. Her friend Marty is running for that seat and is down by about 80 votes.
***Side note another fish bit the dust last night, then there was one! Wish me luck!***
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
Thanks Heather for the pictures! Wanna see?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
End of 8 Days
My sewing room has a floor! My sewing machine can now fit on the table. I can walk all the way over to my book cases. I can even walk to the window now! I have cleaned under my scrapbooking table and started on the top. I notice a huge difference today. And I only spent 15 minutes a day on it.
As for the UFO's/ Mending, progress was made but not as noticeable. I did get a pair of pants for Scott fixed, 3 of Delaney's thing fixed to be packed away, Allie's Yankee's jacket is done and I ripped out 75% of the quilting I had done in a baby quilt. I hated the quilting I had done and never finished the other 25% of the quilting. I am going to mark it and hopefully get it done at the free sew this month.
Lastly my Christmas Cards, I am MUCH further than I thought I would be. A week ago paper and all the supplies were sitting in a bag in the corner. Just waiting for me to do something. Well last Sunday I did something with my half hour. I cut 120 sheets of paper in half that would become my card holder. I then preceded to make the first 36 cards holders. As of tonight those 36 are in various stages of done, 12 need stamped "Happy Holidays" on the band, 12 need bands assembled, snow flaked and stamped and the last 12 need bands cut, snowflakes glittered so they can get caught up. Now some of you might of caught that it says "card holder" yes I am making card holders to slide our cards into before going into the envelope. Call me crazy! We did take our Christmas Photo today that will grace the fronts of our cards, add a few photo corners (I need to make those too), attach the tab, type up a meaningful letter about our year and cards will be done. My goal is to drop them in the mail Thanksgiving morning on my way home from work.
I got to tell you we had the most wonderful photo session today at Lodi Lake! Kim and Heather of Moomph Photography took on ALL of us. When I say all I mean all. My sister and her family were up first. Then my parents and the grandkids. Then Linda's group, my parents, and my group including the dog. Then my parents on their own. Lastly my group again. I got to tell you if you missed out on this year's mini sessions they offered you missed a lot! I would highly recommend that you e-mail them now to get on the list for next year. H you got me down right? I would like a Saturday in October please. I will tell you there is a down side to this. It is going home and having to wait to see what wonderful work they did. H how long do I have to wait??? I know she is playing with them tonight on her computer and not sharing.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
1 Down 2 To Go
If you remember back a week ago, Delaney and Scott went to the Fall Festival at the girls school. Delaney came home with 3 fish, one was even gold. Delaney and Scott spent ALL of Saturday buying a ton of fish stuff, 3 trips to pet stores. We had to have the Little Mermaid fish tank with pump, light, food and net. Once Scott got it home he realized it didn't come with rocks, fish have to have rocks. So they went out to search for rocks. The fish now have multi colored rocks.
The first night we had the fish Delaney had to get up 2 times in the middle of the night to check on them. I heard her up at 3 am!!! She is in the routine of feeding her fish.
Scott got to flush the fish today. I don't think Delaney even knows one is missing. One down Two to go!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thank God Ang showed up today. I got the idea that I would try canning salsa. Now I have been putting this off for a few weeks, I now understand why. I thought about making a half batch but then I figured I wouldn't want to do it twice if it worked. So 20 pounds of tomatoes, 6 onions, 30 different peppers and some other stuff, I now have salsa.
I chopped tomatoes and peppers for about 2 hours and Ang chopped for an hour to get stuff started. Then it ends up my biggest pot is not big enough. To top it off it is supposed to make 20 pints of salsa, WRONG!!! I washed up 18 jars and figured we'd eat the rest. I have filled all 18 jars, we have eaten 2 bowls full and I still have a quarter of the salsa to can. I am now washing 6 half pint jars too.
Top all this off I am making dinner too, for six of us!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekly Personal Challenge
This week my hour is going to be split up into sections and my week is going to include both Sundays, making it 8 days long. My hour is split into 15 minutes cleaning my Sewing Studio, 15 minutes working on mending or a UFO I don't want to work on and the last 30 minutes is working on the 120 Christmas cards I am sending out this year. Now here is another catch to this if I spend more than the allotted time one project I still have to spent the whole amount of time on the other projects, it just cuts into my fun sewing time. This should give me 2 hours each on cleaning and UFO's and 4 hours toward my Christmas cards.
Next Sunday I will post photos of what my room looks like after. Hopefully improved. I notice a difference even after just last night.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
VCB's Halloween Contest

First is from my doorway looking across the room to the window. Yes my machine is still in my Tutto from the night before, it should be on the table where the pink fabric is. That is my new iron. The table under the window is scrapbooking stuff.
This second photo is standing behind the ironing board looking over to the left. Those are my bookcases with everything from Quilting Books to Fiction to my books from childhood. On the floor is about 20 quilt tops that need quilted and a few other projects. My Featherweight is in it's box. My first sewing machine is on top of the bookcase. The faint white line at the left edge is my armoir that stores my stash.
This last photo is from standing in front of the window looking into my closet. The Right side is my Scrapbooking stash and the left side has all the boxes with projects is various stages of finished. More UFO's under the ironing board.
Happy Birthday Chelsea!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Everyday Life
The other day Scott heard a joke on the radio and felt the need to call my mom at work to leave it on her voicemail for when she got their. Here it is:
Why do squirrels always swim on their backs?
To keep their nuts dry.
I often get phone calls from Scott and Joe asking what I'm wearing. The proper response is nothing.
Years ago when we were first dating, Scott was out at my parents house, my mom was making pizza with green olives. Scott was asking my mom what it was and what does it taste like. My mom said he could try one. Scott tried an olive. You could tell he didn't want to be rude and spit it out but he didn't want to eat it either. My mom said to spit it out if he didn't like it. After that Scott TOTALLY UNCENSORED said "Man, I need to bend over and lick my ass to get the taste out of my mouth."
Scott has also decided we no longer need to save for Poop to go to college she can pay for it herself. He calls her "his little striper." The ONLY thing she will wear when we are at home is leg warmers, panties and my high heals. God forbid if music comes on the TV, she starts to dance. She will spin, do a booty bounce and then slap her butt.
Delaney is forever telling me that her "butt cheek is hang out."
A few weeks ago I was out at our warehouse for work and one of the guys asked if he told me something would I get offended. Really living with Scott is that possible?
Monday, October 20, 2008
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
As I am at the first window paying I heard the person behind me order came up to $1.08 also. So I got my change from my $5 and tell the nice employee I'll pay for the next order too. She first looked at me like I was crazy and then asked "Are you sure?" I say yes and hand her $1.10 and drove to window two.
Here is my punishment. The next nice employee says "I'm sorry miss, we are out of Tea, can I get you something else?" ARE YOU FRICKIN' KIDDING ME! So I got Diet Coke. Now in the mean time, the poor nice employee at window one is having to deal with the lady in the car behind me, who is arguing about me paying for her order.
As for my shopping, Home Goods has some of their Christmas stuff in, I got some great ornaments. I also got some ABC Gingerbread Men cookie cutters, Already Been Chewed. The Shoe Pavilions at Sherwood Mall is going out of business, I didn't go in. T.J.Maxx has some beautiful toddler girls Christmas dresses in, by Cinderella and only $19.99.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Home From PIQF
The wonderful quilter Rhonda Beyer took home 2 ribbons at this show. A first place for the quilt she did with Penelope Tucker. This picture is of the quilt at Road to California, where it also scored a first place.
Rhonda also got a second place on another quilt she appliqued and quilted. I am not sure if I took a picture of it yesterday, Sorry.
I also got to meet the Fabulous Gina Halladay of Quilters Buzz, Threaded Pear, AND Cranberry Quiltworks! I had the most wonderful time talking to her. I also got a Threaded Pear pattern and I can't wait to make it! Gina told me of some exciting things she has coming up. By the time I got to my car I wanted to drive to Orange County. Be on the look out for some GREAT things from Gina this next year.
I stopped by Quarter Inch Publishing and of course I had to buy something. So I got the new pattern Skully. I actually got the kit in a cute glow in the dark skull bag. Jane's sister was not with her this year, she was home helping their younger sister. I left the booth in tears, please keep their family in your prayers.
Lastly as I was leaving I stopped and talked to friends. MISTAKE!!! I got challenged, the good Lord knows I can't pass up a challenge. So here it is, I have to complete a quilt, photograph it (Heather that's your part), fill out an application and mail it in time for next years show. Wish me luck! I started on it today.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Iron Deficiency
I have blown the heating element in 3, yes that's right 3, Irons in less than 30 days. WOW!!! The first was me beloved Rowenta, made in Germany. I have had my dear Iron for 6 1/2 years. All of the sudden one night, poof no heat. Then I go to my closet and pull out one of the 2 back up class/retreat Irons. Not bad but a CHEAP Target Iron, not like my Rowenta. It lasted not even a week. So I pull out the last Iron, the not as cheap Target Iron. Last night the light was on but no body was home. Down went the third Iron.
Now of course I have been working on a Baby Puke set for a shower Friday night. And of course I am making cute pleats on the blanket, and I have NO Iron to set them with. So off to JoAnn's I went tonight. I bought a lower end Rowenta Iron and I filled out the warranty card before plugging it in.
Now some of you are thinking I have had my Iron for 20 years, how can she KEEP blowing them up? When I am sewing I can use my Iron 4-8 hours a day, everyday. That is more than most people do in a month. Which is why I now have an Iron Deficiency. Anyone got an Iron I can borrow?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Time on Your Hands...
Okay now that you are back, I think did some amazing work. To explain to non sewer/quilters what you just looked at. She made a dress with the salvage edge of fabric. Now this is not just any dress. The top part is fitted, with buttons and placket, set in sleeves and collar with stand. Now if that wasn't enough work the skirt portion of the dress is a circle skirt! That is yards of fabric! Don't miss the matching belt.
The amazing part is not just the amount of work that went into this dress she made it out of the edge of the fabric that most sewer/quilters throw away! I read through some of her older post and she cuts a 1/4" into the fabric above her salvage edge.
I am thinking I might have to give this a try. What could I make?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Self Promotion

This is a Jelly Roll/Bali Pop class. If you buy your "Roll" and pay for your class at the same time you get a 10% discount. Total cost is just under $60. The class is 4 hours and I think most people should get the top done in class.
Last I heard there are 6 people in the class and room for 4 more. Of course if the demand is HIGH, Jennifer will add another class. To sign up for the class you can call the shop at 209-824-0485 or swing by the shop on Main Street in Manteca.
I have got to say a BIG THANK YOU to Heather of Moomp Photography for the wonderful quilt photo. She does a fabulous job. This is the same Heather of the Holiday Mini Sessions, got mine booked, do you? And another BIG THANK YOU to Ang, she is doing the illustrations for the pattern when she gets home from Georgia Monday! It is great to have talented friends to make you look good!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Quilting Q & A
1. So how long have you been sewing? 30 YEARS! I got my first machine the Christmas I was 4 years old. I still have it. It was a toy machine by Mattel.
2. How big of a stash can you really have? I have over 300 yards in my stash, that is fabric NOT committed to a project. I have MORE fabric (a few hundred yards of that too) that is committed to either an UFO, future project or a back for a finished top.
3. How many UFO's could you have? Some of you may remember that at the beginning of the year I stopped counting at 28 because that is where I ran out of lines on the paper. I refused to turn the paper over or add a sheet. So the answer is vague over 30 UFO's.
4. How many project do you have going on now? I never know the answer to this one. Off the top of my head I can count that I am working on 8 projects and I have finished 3 others already this week. I jump around a lot.
5. How many quilt tops do you have that need quilting? First let me say WOW! I didn't think that numbers were this high! I have 22 tops at my house that need quilting and 5 tops at Ladybug's Quilt Shop. Grand Total 27 finished quilt tops!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Ending of Vacation
I got the Cars pillow case done and twin size Cars quilt top pieced for my friends Dave and Liz's little boy. I finished the last two outside borders Saturday morning. I am still waiting for fabric from e-bay for the backing. I am hoping to quilt this month.

Saturday afternoon I spent working on the layout of my Mod Quad. I got 4 of the 5 rows set before going to coffee with my girlfriends. This one will be dropped off at Ladybug's Quilt Shop tomorrow morning. I will be teaching this as a class in November. I will also be picking up the Black and White one I did in May tomorrow.

I spent today finishing up Mod Quad, sewing a few blocks of my Christmas Presents quilt and sewing aprons. I got 1 apron finished, 1 apron I ran out of thread top stitching (I will get some tomorrow and finish it), and 2 more 50% done. I plan to finish the aprons on Monday.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cultural Experience
We have tried to pack a lot into our trip. Monday we had planned to go to the zoo, that didn't work out. It rained for 2 hours in the morning and then we had a few short burst of rain during the day. We ended up driving through the Gas Lamp District and then to Balboa Park. We spent about 2 hours at a very nice playground with the kids. We learned that all of the kid friendly museums are closed on Mondays. We also went to Old Town for dinner and walked around. The kids watched ladies make corn and flour tortillas.
Tuesday we made it to the Zoo. We became annual pass holders. Now some of you are trying to figure out why would we join a zoo 400 mile from home, it was cheaper than the 5 day 2 park pass. My friend Ryan suggested we look into the annual pace price and what it comes with. It saved us $26 just getting in. Then it came with some free stuff and discounts in the park. Our total saving yesterday alone was about $50! Also some zoos honer annual passes from other zoos, we will look into this when we get home. I went to Rosie's Calico Corner, fabric shopping 7 miles away, while the girls napped.
Today we are going to breakfast at Big Kitchen and then we are heading out to the Wild Animal Park. Maybe another trip to the Rack too.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Holiday Photo Sessions Offer
First I have to tell you Moomph Photography does beautiful work. Heather took beautiful photos of me for my birthday. She is always snapping shots of Poop. One of the cards on her blog is of Poop, when Scott was putting in her baseboard.
So here are the links to her blog to find out more on getting truly one of a kind BEAUTIFUL Christmas Photos.
Mini Session Info
Christmas Cards
If you ask nicely she let's you bring your dog too. Even BIG ones! Now hurry and book you session now!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Greetings From Vacation
We are minutes away from Balboa Park. A 9 mile drive Krispy Kreme, yes we went this morning and bought more than a dozen. And 2 miles away from Mission Valley Mall. Which has TONS of stores, including Target, Macy's, Nordstrom's Rack AND a Hooters!!! Yes we went to Target already we needed bread and milk. We are taking the kids to Hooters soon. LOL!
The kids, we brought Ally too, were great on the way down. We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach yesterday on the way down. THANK YOU Ryan!!! My wonderful friend Ryan works there. It is the second largest in California and 5 in the U.S. It was amazing. Yes I took pictures. Speaking of pictures Delaney had stashed my camera last July and gave it back to me Wednesday night. The little turd! I will fill you all in on that when we get home.
Today has been slow. We did the educational Krispy Kreme self guided tour. I taught Ally how doughnuts are made. We had to stay and watch the Chocolate Bars from start to finish. Which starts as the dough drops onto the lift system that goes up and down a long time until the dough rises enough to get dropped into the oil. Then it floats in the hot oil to the flipping machine. Once it flips to cook the other side it floats to the oil drip off station. Then if it gets glazed it rides through the glaze shower. Last it rides around until someone puts it on a tray to get sold. BUT our doughnuts didn't get a glaze shower so we had to ask what was going to happen to them. We were told our dough nuts were going to be hand dipped and become chocolate bars. A nice lady demo'd it for us. First I will say Krispy Kreme most likely has better names for the process and second Thank God I watch a lot of Food Network.
We also did some shopping at Target and our owner member meeting. The people here about stroked out seeing that we never have been to one and we have been owners for 5 years. No mom we did not buy more points but for wasting an hour of our time we did learn a little bit on how to work the system and got $75 AMEX gift card. We are going to finish our day with a swim in the pool and dinner somewhere.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Renewed My Faith
I asked "Why?"
Macy said "The defendant plead guilty."
Macy laughed.
I asked "What happens now?"
Macy said "Have you filed your restitution paperwork yet?"
Me "Yes, back in January."
Macy said "You will now need to contact the defendant's Probation Officer to get your resolution."
Me "Is the worthless piece of shit, I prefer this name to defendant, really going to pay me?"
Macy said "He has plead guilty, he is ordered to pay restitution. You will need to talk to Probation to figure that out."
Next week I am calling Ken the D.A. on the case to find out why this went back to court. Ken said last week "Sometimes a juvenile becomes competent after they have been declared incompetent. I can tell you more after the case is resolved." Ken I will be calling you!
This is about the kid who broke my truck window with a rock 9 days before last Christmas. Here's the link to the original post. Crappy Sunday and the follow up Legal System Sucks.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Roller Coaster of a Week
Another BIG even was the wedding of my friend Andy on Sunday night. I am so happy for him. He is the first of my friends to get married! We got to see a lot of friends we haven't seen in a few years and catch up like no time has past. No the wedding quilt is not done but they did get a waffle iron and rolos.
I am busy working on the wedding quilt and writing the supply lists and a pattern for the classes I will be teaching this fall at Ladybug's Quilts. The first class is October 24th and it is a Bali Pop/Jelly Roll class. I am also finishing the sample for this one.
The down side to our week has been finding out the new job Scott was supposed to start at the end of this month is not going to happen. The builder notified his office yesterday that the builder was breaking the contract and Scott's company isn't going to build these houses. We are hoping something else comes up and soon.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
As for me, I am in town for a while, I think. I am trying to get the top of a queen size quilt finished for a wedding this Sunday. It wont be quilted in time. I still need to hem a few pairs of pants for my niece Natalie, it is starting to be cold in the mornings. Last I am trying to get a class sample made. I am also writing the directions to the pattern as I go. It is loosely based on the quilt block Whole in the Barn Door using a Bali Pop/Jelly Roll. I can't wait to teach it!
And we can't forget Poop. She is learning that she doesn't like the taste of soap. She has taken to yelling "NO!" at us and blowing raspberries if she doesn't like something she is told.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Greetings From...
I am sewing away down here in my off time. I put in a FULL 9.5 hour day today at work. So my plan is to stay in and sew tonight. I think I brought about 10 sets of projects with me. I am hoping to get more than one done. I have cut out part of the wedding quilt. I still need to buy a few pieces of fabric for is though.
So far I have seen the Madonna Inn, I am stay 3 businesses away from it, ate at Tahoe Joe's, and gone to Food 4 Less. I am planning to get out tomorrow after work. My goal is a 7 hour day. Let's hope I can make it. I don't think I will make it to the Creation Station this trip but I am determined to go to the Cotton Ball in Morro Bay before I leave. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Fast Food Rant...
If I order a soda, I will need a straw.
If I order Tea, that does not mean I want Raspberry Tea or Sweet Tea. I want Plain Tea.
If I am at the drive up window and order a soda, I really don't want to be handed a cup with soda running down the sides of it. WIPE IT OFF!
If I order Pintos and Cheese, I will most likely need a Spork.
Chances are I will ALWAYS need napkins, more than one please.
If I ask for catsup and I have 3 orders of fries, 1 packet is NOT enough.
Now here is where I become the difficult customer, when I order my burger with NO ONIONS it means DO NOT put onions on my food. I understand where that is confusing. But don't get pissy with me when I ask you to fix it and NO I wont pick them off.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Completion Update
The current goal is to get the sewing done on the jean rag quilt Wednesday, my day off, and half of the cutting to make it fray. I have a good start on this. I am planning on spending Friday evening at a laundry mat washing it. Saturday it will go home to it's owner.
The last project I needed to get done of the six was a wedding quilt for my friend Andy. He will be getting an I.O.U. The wedding is less than 2 weeks away and I haven't even started cutting the quilt. My new goal on that is to have it done and dropped off to the quilter by the time we leave on vacation at the end of the month.
I will post pictures of the 5 projects I finished late Wednesday evening.
And of course I can't go without 6 projects in the works so I need to finish my Christmas Gifts quilt, I am doing a new spin on Mod Quad, I need to still turn out 9 aprons, 24 shopping bags, 14 dozen napkins, and the prizes for Stash & Scrap contest. I can think of a dozen more things I need to sew but I am stopping at six.
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Other Site
All you have to do is go to the site, then go to post dated August 24th, and leave a comment on how you use up your scraps from your hobby. Any hobby you have. Also make sure I know how to contact you. Easy as that.
Side note, I got new hair! Maybe I will post a picture soon!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Proud of Myself
I had to do a search to find the panel, the blue fabric with ALL the "Cars" on it and I stumbled across another print for the back. Then someone had the nerve to out bid my top end bid on one fabric, so I had to figure out how to increase my bid. I also had to "contact the seller" to make sure I could get 2 continuous yards of one fabric and not two 1 yard cuts. Then I won and had to figure out PayPal! Which meant resetting password, making sure my credit card wasn't expired and I had the right address. Man how do people do that daily?
What this does mean is Dave & Liz I will be working on a Cars quilt soon for J. I am still thinking on B, but I will ship them at the same time.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I did it!
I also took fabric to cut and started cutting out 6 more aprons for Christmas gifts. I got about a third of the cutting done and went to bed. I did take them to Tuesday night sewing and get the rest of the cutting done their. I only have 3 to 6 more to make after this batch.
Guess What!?! This was not my last trip! I found out today that I will be making another trip done this coming Tuesday. I may even make another one after that. I will get to leave earlier this Monday, Scott doesn't have to work the holiday. The bad part about leaving earlier is the quilt shop in Pacific Grove will be closed for the Holiday. In 5 trips and I still haven't made it their in time!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Going Back to Salinas!!!
This trip is going to be quicker than the last. I am trying to be home close to noon tomorrow. My plan is to be gone less than 20 hours. Let's see if I can do it!
It will also be my last trip over for a while. My boss is feeling bad for taking me away from Scott and Poop. I keep telling her that I like going. She doesn't believe me.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME! *EDIT*
Today not much is planned. I asked Scott to start the remodel on the hall bath. We'll see how that goes. Anyone know a contractor? My other big plans are going to Target to buy toilet paper, I NEED toilet paper. I am hoping to sew a little and maybe get a scrapbook page or two done. Oh and I am going to cook my favorite dinner, pork chops and brown rice complete with artichokes from Castroville!
Maybe if Heather is feeling generous she will sent me just 1 photo from yesterday to post here, I haven't seen any of them yet. I promise I had on makeup and my hair was not in a ponytail. You wont even recognize me!
Heather sent me pictures!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008
2 Down and 4 To Go
This morning we drove it out to Oakdale to drop it off at Quilters Cabin. Viewers Choice judging will start on Tuesday the 26th and go to Saturday the 30th. SO if you are out that way stop by and vote for me and Liz.
While I was shopping today quilts number 7, 8 and 9 came in. The deadline is 5pm tonight so it looks like me and Liz have a shot at a prize. So go Vote!
Okay done reading? Here is my quilt...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Linda!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Lost In Translation
The after school program kids came to play on the playground so Nat, Laney and me headed to the parking lot to get ready to leave. Linda and Allie had to go to the office for something. I had to keep telling Laney to hurry up. Once we got up to the office, next to the school but and 2 parents waiting I had to tell Laney again "Hurry Up!" This is when she tells me "Bite Me."
Now I did stop and take a breath before turning and saying "What did you say?" Laney says "Bite Me." I looked at Nat and asked her "What did she say?" Now I went through this 5 times. The bus driver comes over to ask if everything is okay. The dad waiting is trying not to laugh and watch. FINALLY Laney says "It Bite Me." Then she sat down to take off her shoe.
She had bark slivers from the playground in her Sponge Bob Crocs. They were "Biting" her feet.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I'm Back!!!

So since it was almost 9pm when I left the Artichoke place in Castoville was closed. There was a crazy storm rolling in too. The sky was black and you could see tiny patches of pink form the sunset. Lightening was going off over the bay and parts of Monterey, Seaside, and Marina had NO power.
So after I worked this morning and got out of the hotel I headed back to Castroville for some Artichokes. I think I bought 8, 2 did go to my parents. This is the field in front of my car when I stopped at the Artichoke stand.
After I left Castroville I headed to Gilroy for the Outlets! I got my Coach Sling Pack in Turquoise leather. I have been wanting one! And today was "Amazing Deal For The Customer and Dumb Employee For Even A Better Deal Day" at Coach.
I found my bag, the ticket says $129, okay what I expected. But wait, at the bottom of the stand, seriously 6 inches above my TOES!!!, is a sign $99. YES! SCORE! My bag is on sale! So I head up to pay. The cute little sales girl comes to help me. "Your total is $69.57" she says. I asked "Was it additional off?" Cute sales girl again "Yes 20% off." I really had to stop and think here. No my basic math says that is more than additional 20%. I asked her again "It was an addition 20%, and my total is $69.57?" "Yes, you got a good deal," the girl tells me. Me, I think I got a screaming deal and you can't figure it out! But it gets better, remember it is Dumb Employee For Even A Better Deal Day. I give the cute sales girl the exact amount of money for the sale, 3 $20's, 1 $5, 4 $1 and 2 quarters, a nickel and 2 pennies. She is confused. I think she was looking for the Visa logo. She counted the money 3 times, YES 3 times. Then she hands me $10 change and my receipt. I then smiled and said "Thank You" and left. At this point I will say if a customer asked you this many questions about you total maybe you should do one of two things, first check if you rang the sale up correctly and second get out of retail!
So after this I head to Strasburg Children. When I got their all clearance was an additional 30% of the lowest price. I got Poop a pair of rain boots for $9 and a lime green dress and bloomers for $21! The dress I wanted at the the beginning of this summer and it was $79. They had one in a 3Y that will fit her next year.
Now I needed to get to Casa de Fruta and head home.
I stopped and had lunch at Casa de Wine, they have a great deli in the back. I enjoyed my sandwich out in the sunshine and read part of a book I took with me. Then I ran over to Casa de Fruta for raisins, wasabi peas, dried apricots and some honeycomb candy.
After my full day off working I stopped to drop off artichokes, bread sticks and pizza to my mom at work and was home by 4pm. Man what you can pack into 23 fun filled hours!
Monday, August 18, 2008
I'm Going To Salinas! I'm Going To Salinas!
So tonight I am driving over and checking into the Salinas Holiday Inn Express. Then it is off to Monterey for pizza at Gianni's. I can't wait! Yes mom I am taking an ice chest and ziplock bags for the left overs. Yes mom I am ordering you garlic breadsticks. I am also stopping at the Gilroy Outlet Mall. I am getting me a birthday present at Coach and checking out Strasburg Children for a little something for Poop. Also a quick stop for Artichokes on the way back from Monterey. And how do you make the trip without some produce and raisins, for Poop, from Casa de Fruta. Did I mention I am working?
I have the sewing machine and 3 projects sitting by the front door so I can do a little sewing in my room tonight. Really I am going to work!
Bon Voyage!