Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
And you thought that I was done with Straight No Chaser. They will be touring this spring the closest they are getting to Stockton is Fresno. I would really like to see them. They will also be at the Grove in Anaheim. I could fly down after work, go to the concert, stay the night and fly back the next day.
Scott has already brought in the New Year. He was able to celebrate it by running back and forth from the bomb shelter. When talked to him at 9:30am they had had 6 bombs come in with more on the way. Almost like being at home. Here we will be counting the gun fire.
Have a safe and happy New Year.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Last Day To Shop
I told you I am loving these guys. Really go buy the CD it is worth it. The only down side is Delaney told someone they were singing the 12 days of Christmas wrong because they didn't sing it like SNC. Oh well.
I still have a little left to do. Today we will be hitting the post office and mailing the last of the cards, Ralley's for food I forgot to buy and then wrapping presents. We will be going to my aunt's tonight for my mom's sides Christmas. Tonight I will be up assembling an Art Tower and downloading books to a Tag Reading System. I might sleep sometime.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Only 2 Shopping Days To Go
Not much left to do around here. I need to finish the Christmas cards, buy a toothbrush for Delaney, wrapped gifts and maybe go to Ladybug quilt shop.
Delaney just knows Santa is bringing her a Little Mermaid Spinning Toothbrush. Of course Target only had Cinderella last night so now I have to hit every WalGreens I can find. Plus I have WalGreens Rewards money to spend by the 26th. So it will be a free toothbrush.
If you don't know LAdybug is having a pre-Christmas sale. They have Christmas patterns 50% off. When I was their last week I saw a few I wanted. Let's see if I can make it.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Three Shopping Days To Go
So what do you have left to do? Me I made a list, yeah go figure!
1. address and mail 125 Christmas Cards 61 of 125 Gone
2. Finish decorating the tree
3. Buy Daphne Christmas presents, really what does she need
4. Start wrapping Christmas presents
5. Get something for Dad and Josh
6. JoAnn's I have 2 50% off coupons and I am starting stuff for Delaney's Birthday
7. Buy Groceries for Christmas Eve and Day
8. Clean the house
9. Need to go to Ladybug Quilt Shop
Monday, December 21, 2009
Four Shopping Days Left!!!
I am loving this group, Straight No Chaser.
I delivered the client quilt today. She is very happy with it. She will be sending me a photo of it once it is opened on Christmas. I will share it with all of you when I get it.
I have decided that all I am getting done between now and Christmas is the cards that need to be addressed and mailed and wrapping gifts. Everything else is waiting until next year.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Colors of My Life
I am talking about different colors today though. On the freeway today I saw the back of a trailer and knew where it was from just by the color. I am going to share a few of the colors of my life with you all today.
Corvette Red
Safety Orange
Cherokee Freight Yellow
Bragg Goldenrod
Teichert Green
Brock Blue
DSS Brown
I will tell you that we saw 3 trucks today all together in Bragg Goldenrod. The better part was they were coming out of the yard in Reno, one truck was a sub hauler and had that info on the door. My uncle runs Bragg Reno. The lead truck was a crane I have no clue what the other two truck were hauling.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
What To Do This Week?
1. Finish and Mail Birth Announcements
2. Baking 3 of 12 batches Done
3. Make 12 Potholders 8 of 12 Done
4. Make 10 more toys for the Toy Society's Christmas drop on the weekend 1 of 10 Done
5. Finish binding Client Quilt
6. Pick up my quilt
7. Finish decorating the tree
8. Start decorating the house
9. Finish Pillowcase Tutorial and post it
10. Start the Dinner with Scott Quilt
11. Make Gingerbread house
12. Wrap Presents
13. Drop stuff off to Packed With Pride
14. Grocery Store
15. BOM for 3 Creative Studios
16. Write Christmas Letter
I am sure as the week goes on I will need to add to this list. Hopefully I will across some stuff off too. Check back often to see how it goes.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Life Happens At Midnight
I missed turning off the TV in time, and the Phin and Ferb Christmas Special came on. Delaney has been waiting 2 weeks to see it. It was on at 8pm but she was at a Christmas party with Gram and Papa. When she got home she finished watching another show then it was supposed to be time for bed. I gave in. She didn't get to bed until 11:30pm.
In the mean time I am doing load number 6 of today's laundry. I might as well stay up and get another load in. The one coming out also needs folded. What the heck I am up.
Plus tomorrow is the big day, we are going to Old Sac with friends to ride the Polar Express. I need to get the gifts wrapped that we need to take with us. Also 2 of the kids had birthdays in October and I need to put the finishing touches on their birthday presents. What the heck I am up.
Since we are going to Old Sac, what a perfect place for a toy drop for the Toy Society. Now I just need to make a toy. I think I want to try for making a snowman. I have plenty of time we don't have to leave until 2pm tomorrow. But I have no time in the morning for this. What the heck I am up, I'll do it tonight.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas Giving On A Budget
First, give a gift to a whole family rather than buying each individual a gift. Give them a family night gift. You can create a gift basket with a movie or game theme. The new Harry Potter movie came out yesterday and is $15 at Target. Combine your movie with a few bags a microwave popcorn, 2 liter of soda and a couple boxes of movie candy (WalGreens has 3 boxes for $3). Package this all up in a plastic bowl you can pick up at a dollar type store. You can keep this gift between $20 and $25. Another idea is a game night, Steals and Deals posted about getting games inexpensive at Kmart this week. Combine a game and junk food and you got a great gift for the whole family.
Another idea is to stretch your baking with gifts to be used when the food is gone. Here is the idea instead of overloading on baking, who really has the time, whip up a few potholders from my tutorial. One yard of fabric will make you 4 potholders and they take no time at all. For those with a little more time and sewing skills make a matching apron. I found this apron in an hour tutorial. It is very cute, I think I am going to try it!
Most of use give to those less fortunate than ourselves at this time of year. The bad news is some of us are close to being less fortunate this year too. So here are a few ways to give to others that wont break the bank. If you usually adopt a family, why not ask a few friends to adopt a family with you. You each buy a gift for a member of the family.
Also the Toy Society has a big Christmas drop each year. All you do is join their group, they e-mail you the link to the letter to print to enclose with your toy, make a toy and drop it for someone to find the weekend before Christmas. ALL of my toys have been made from scraps, with the exception of the felt I bought.
Another idea is make a donate a pillowcase. I know of two different groups doing this. First is Jackie over at Canton Village Quilt Works sent out a call to help donate 2000 pillowcases to the Hole In The Wall Gang. If you are local and would like to send pillowcases to Jackie's group I will be mailing my box by Jan 15th and would love to include yours in the box. So far I have 12 going to Jackie, 6 made by my friend Bonnie and 6 by me. The other group is American Patchwork and Quilting is looking for 1 million pillowcases to be donated, to the cause of your choice. They also have a few different tutorials on how to make different pillowcases. I will also be posting a tutorial in the next 24 hours on how I make mine with no exposed seams, tons of photos.
Here is my last idea, it is for soldiers serving overseas. There is a group in Stockton that sends boxes to soldiers year around. The group is called Packed with Pride. They have a list of items that you can donate that they will ship in the boxes or you can make a monetary donation. Each box that is shipped cost $8.95.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Toy Drop #2

This snake is super easy to make and took no time at all. It is leftover strips from my Bento Box quilt pieced together with a white strip on each end. I folded my strip piece in half, I drew a curve on one end and a triangle on the other. (curve for head and triangle for tail) I started sewing at the fold, around the head and down the side. About half way down the side I left an opening for turning and stuffing. I continued down the side, around the tail and to the fold. A little trimming and flip. Next sew on the eyes, stuff and sew hole closed. Mr Snake is done.
I am having a lot of fun with this. This week I am hoping to make a small stock pile of toys for the BIG Christmas toy drop. I have a ladybug, doll and alien cut and ready to sew. The doll and alien are both the Black Apple Doll, the alien was cut out of green fabric and will have small antennas.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Toy Society Drop #1
I made Amy Butler's Bed Bug from her book little stitches for little ones. It is the small ladybug. It fit perfect into a sandwich size ziplock bag.
Daphne provided cover from the street and people while I tied my bag to the bench between JoAnn's and Ross this morning. I got to JoAnn's a little before they opened, so I headed to the bench. By 9:58am the doors opened and our toy was tied off and photoed.
We left the store at 10:20am and the toy was gone. With any luck the person who found it will send an e-mail to the Toy Society saying it was found. My toy should show up on the Toy Society blog this next week. My toy is number 810 on the Toy Society Blog.
Today I am going to make my next toy. Also I need to make a few extras for the weekend before Christmas. The Toy Society does a big Christmas toy drop. My goal is to drop 10 toys that weekend. You don't need to have a blog to be part of this great group.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Lunch With Friends
This last August I picked up a yard of Joel Dewberry Lime Wood Grain for $5, yeah you read that right, plus 6 fat quarter pack of a mixture of other designers for only $10. All this fabric has been sitting in a pile waiting. Then I added a few from my own stash and the pile grew.
In October I decide I wanted to make a Bento Box Quilt with it. The only think holding me back was ALL THAT COLOR! It was very over whelming. Yea your still reading Dianah's blog. And I just said I had too much color in a quilt.
I started surfing the web to find directions for a Bento Box quilt. I found a cheater Bento Box, part 1 and part 2. I love how every other strip is White. This was the light bulb moment, I still have some Kona Snow that would be perfect for this. Lunch with Friends was started.
Because I still have a few client commitments for Christmas I am only allowing myself to sew one set of blocks a day. I am making of positive and negative block with same fabrics. Which also means I have two of the same blocks in my quilt.
I currently have enough fabric to make a total of 23 blocks. I either need to find more of one fabric to take me to 24 or buy another quarter yard to take me to 25 blocks. My block size is 15 inches finished. It will be a big throw quilt.
I promise to update with pictures this weekend.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I Have A New Cause!!!
The Toy Society started in Australia. I found them last year around this time. I thought "WOW that is so cool. I wish people here in the States would do something like that." Then the holidays hit, Scott got the job in Iraq and I found out I was pregnant. I kind of forgot about the Toy Society. Shame on me!
Tonight while looking at a couple of blogs I found them again. I filled out the little application and am patiently waiting to hear what I need to do.
I know I need to make a toy, drop it in a public place, and photo it. But I am sure there is more to it.
My goal is to drop something over Thanksgiving weekend. Anyone going to join me is spreading smiles to random people?
I have heard from the Toy Society, I am in!!! I have printed enought letters and lables for 12 drops. I will be poluting our area with toys soon.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I'm Alive!
Scott flew in on the 29th of October and life has been a whirlwind ever since. Friday the 30th he spent with the girls, putting in his new TV and recovering from flying. I was able to go to lunch with my cousin Steve that day. On the 31st we head to Old Sac to go on the Spook-o-Motive Train with friends and trick or treating at night. Monday the 2nd was dinner at Lodi Feed N Fuel with 13 friends that wanted to join us for dinner. We had a great time and saw many long time friends. Tuesday was spent to repairs in the back yard. I lost 6 feet of fencing in the last storm and found out that part of the rain gutters were pulling away from the house. Also Scott replace the rails to Delaney's bed that broke awhile back. Thursday the 5th we went to Modesto to drop off a quilt, look for boots and Delaney got carsick before we made it to the water mall.
The second week of his trip was much like the first, CRAZY! Friday the 6th was breakfast at Chuck's, shopping for clothes for family photos, shopping at Ikea and dinner in downtown Sac with more friends. Saturday was up early for photos at Delta College, THANK YOU H for getting us in!, more shopping, me having coffee with Kymn and Scott taking the kids to see his parents. Sunday we went to church for the primary program, then we did some Christmas shopping and ended the day at my parents with Thanksgiving dinner. That night the guys did get my new to me dryer installed, finally! Monday we left for VACATION! We spent the night at our timeshare in Windsor. We had dinner at Johnny Garlics in Santa Rosa and it was amazing, also Scott and Delaney went into the night time pool, hot tub. Tuesday we made the trek to Bodega Bay for Delaney to play in the ocean. Me and Daphne stayed in the car, Delaney and Scott played in the water, it was way cold! We did make the trip back to downtown Santa Rosa to go to the quilted Vine quilt shop, Fabric is running $11 a yard! Which really limited how little I bought, 2.5 yards was $30 with taxes. Wednesday the 11th was spent finishing things around the house, putting up the Christmas tree, and getting out ALL the Christmas decorations.
Today the visit was over. We took Scott back to SFO for him to fly to Dubai and tomorrow he will go to Iraq. His next trip should be in late February.
I have some photos, quilting up dates and an Etsy shop update that will be happening in the next 7 days. So come back soon! Also I am getting the house ready for a dinner party next week. Come back for some sneak peeks.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Target Deals This Week

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Finished Some Stuff
I also finished the Alice In Wonderland costume and delivered that today. I can't wait to see pictures of Alice. As soon as her mom post them I will link up to them.
As for now I am debating what to start next. I have my mom's machine until tomorrow night an will be picking mine up on Thursday on the way to the airport. I have a Thimbleberries quilt to make for a Christmas exchange due in November. I also have a fleece throw that is all handwork to make for another Christmas exchange due in November. I also have some Christmas pillow cases to make for me. Then last Friday I was asked if I could make a queen size quilt for Christmas. Yes I can. I am waiting for my new client to get me the fabric to start that this week.
What to do, What to do?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tinkerbell Movie Coupon and Rebate

Second I have found some pricing for you:
Toys R Us will have the combo pack for $21.99
Target will have it for $24.99
K-Mart is giving $10 off when you purchase the movie and 12" doll
WalMart is advertising on it's website the price will be $23.32
Best Buy will have it for $25.99
Third Rebates, I posted this rebate back with Snow White from Kernel Seasons, IF you didn't use it then you can use it now for $5 back by mail. Another Rebate for $5 back from Leapfrog. BOTH of these rebates will accept a photocopy of your receipt, that means you could send in for both rebates. On the back of the movie case is 2 proof of purchase tabs, one for each Rebate!
That means you could buy the DVD Blu Ray for $21.99 at Toys R Us, use the $10 off coupon and pay out of pocket $11.99. Then purchase your 2 Kernel Seasons products and mail in that rebate bringing the total down to $6.99. Then purchase your Tinker Bell book or toy form Leapfrog mail in that rebate and it will make the final movie price $1.99!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Life Is About The Free Stuff
I found a Noah's Bagel Coupon good Oct 30th for a FREE bagel! The coupon is one per a person so print one for everyone in your group.
Kids Eat 4 Free this website tells you what restaurant in your area kids eat 4 free each night. If you are travelling you can check that area too.
Kashi Granola Bar free sample. Also they have a $1.50 off coupon for a box a cereal, which is on sale at Target for $2.50 a box. You'd only pay $1 for cereal!
WalMart website has a Free Sample tab. They change offers all the time. Check it often to see what you can get!
Fisher Price is giving away a Free Geo Trax DVD. Delaney has watched her's a few times.
How about some FREE Lindt's Truffles. Go on over for your free 3 pack of truffles.
Don't forget about the Free Cookie and Kids Hot Chocolate coupon for Barnes and Noble this Saturday.
Go to websites of products you use. Usually they have a tab somewhere marked OFFERS or Offers and Promotions. You can find coupons, contest and samples there usually.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thirsty Thursday
First, here is a link to a coupon to use this Saturday, October 24th, only for FREE small cookie and Kid Size Hot Chocolate. It is one per a customer, so print one for each person in your group. Also it doesn't state for kids only. I will be getting free cookies and Hot Chocolate this Saturday, maybe a book too.
Some of the blogs I frequent have some fun post going on. First Judy is getting ready to start another Quilt For an Hour. Don't you know I will be joining this one too. I already have some fabric pulled form my stash. Next Vicki has an interesting post on sewing machines, also you can see the block she made after taking Paula Nadalestern's class in Houston. Over at Steals and Deals they have more great coupon tips and give aways. I hope I win the floor give away.
I am still working away on the HHR club quilt. I need to have it done and delivered by 10 am Saturday morning. I have a few, 2-3 hours of quilting left to do and then the binding. The end is in sight. Then I will be dropping off my mom's machine so she can take a class on Saturday morning. If I am lucky I can get it back to finish off the Alice in Wonderland costume. I am really hoping to get a call form the Sewing Machine Shop in Walnut Creek saying my machine is ready!
By the way JoAnn's is having their Moonlight Madness Sale this week. There are some great deals, including 50% off coupons. I have started my donation basket for the Manteca Quilt Show. My theme this year is "A Box of Mystery." I picked up a beautiful box and am filling it with fabric, notions, books and patterns. Not everything can be used together but you will be able to enhance your stash. You wont be able to see in the box until you win it.
And there is a Quilt Show this weekend in Antioch at the fairgrounds. The featured artist will be Freddy Moran, y'all know I am going. I will be their on Sunday.
Okay I need to get back to quilting since my drink is gone.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
This Week At WalGreens

Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Lot Of Ground To Cover Part 2
I did get Alice's Dress ready for the fitting. After the fitting it will just need buttons up the back. I also have the bloomers done. Last is the apron! I will be working on that later this week. I am just waiting Alice's mom to let me know when we can get together to try on the dress. It is so cute!

Next is HHR Clubs quilt. I am starting with the Phil's Drive fabric and I will be adding a few borders to make it larger. This is going with a picnic basket Scott and I are donating for the Tom's Farm show in Corona. They are having a ton of raffle prizes. My quilt has to be finished by Saturday morning.

Later this week we will have more photos of the HHR quilt, my BOM for Two Creative Studios and my blocks for Block Lotto.
A Lot Of Ground To Cover Part 1
First, life in Iraq... I spoke to Scott today (we really talk everyday usually twice) and he was telling me about a small fire department on base. Station 4 is the Ugly Redheaded Stepchildren of the Fire Departments at Camp Liberty. Scott went out their today to measure for some bookshelves to be built. When he got their he found out that the "Station" is 2 small trailers, one to sleep in and the other is living space. Station 4 is at the Helo Pad and they can't ever leave! Another station has to bring them their food even! They do have a TV but were sitting on buckets and boxes to watch it. The guys asked Scott if he came across an old couch if he could get it for them. So Scott being Scott went and got them 2 couches and delivered them today. The guys at Station 4 were so happy that they gave Scott a Sweatshirt, I can't wait to get it!
So here is where this is leading, I have e-mailed Scott asking him to check with Station 4 to see if their is anything that I could mail them from here to make their life a little easier. I am hoping to have a list back in the next few days and mail a box in about 4 weeks. If anyone would like to purchase something for these guys I will have the list posted on my blog as soon as I get it.
Daphne is doing well. She had her 2 week check up last week and is almost up to her birth weight. She has also grown an inch! Not to great since she so skinny (not too sure if she is really our kid) that 0-3 month clothes are too big on her. She can wiggle her way out of the neck, usually the neck hole gets stuck on her diaper.
Delaney is a big help. I am having to keep an eye on her since she like getting Daphne out of her crib. She really like to walk around the house with her. Delaney also has started hiding the remote for the TV, that way we only can watch her shows. I only get the remote when she messes up her channel. She hides it before we go to bed too. Since the storm last week she has been sleeping with a flash light. She has killed the batteries in one already. The good part is she can't find her cow flash light so I don't wake up to mooing.
Me I am still working on the sewing list. Alice's Dress is about ready for a fitting before I put in the buttons. I need to get one more sleeve attached to the bodice and then attach the skirt to the top! I also laid out the HHR Club quilt last night. I also made my Block Of The Month, that I forgot to put on the list! Progress is being made. I will be downloading pictures tonight.
More to come in Part 2
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pina Colada & Vicodin Dinner
Now on Sunday I post my Stash Buster report along with my yardage bust goal for the following week over on my other blog, Stash and Scrap Elimination Project. On Sunday I was of sound mind when I posted my goal of yardage to bust this week would be 3 yards. Not unheard of, very achievable. Monday night not being of sound mind armed with a piece of paper and a pen I make the following list of stuff to get done this week:
1. Finish Freeze Frame Top
2. 3 Pillow Cases
3. Alice In Wonderland Costume
4. Philanthropy Quilt Top
5. HHR Club Quilt Top
Not a bad list, only 5 things on it. Should I mention at this point that Freeze Frame only had border 3 of 8 on it and number 4 is pieced! I had been working on it for about 4 days. Alice's dress is about half way, bloomers are done and I am still thinking about the apron. Otherwise I am all over this list! I will also mention that I was an over achiever and also wrote next weeks list while enjoying my Pina Colada and Vicodin Dinner. That list may be lost in a sober moment!
As of 2pm today I broke my sewing machine and the repair man is in Walnut Creek! I can't get their soon enough. Thank God my mom also has a Pfaff and she is letting me borrow it. Really I can give up my kids at any given moment but not my sewing machine!
As for status on my list:
1. Freeze Frame Top is done! Photo to post this weekend
2. Pillow Case number 3 is when the machine broke
3. Alice's Hem is pinned and waiting mom's machine
4. Philanthropy Quilt top has only 2 more rows of blocks to be sewn together, this is when my machine broke
5. I have the fabric out for the HHR Quilt
I will post Sunday how I did. Also a Pina Colada and Vicodin Dinner does NOT impair you enough not to hear a 10 day old crying at 2 am.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Steal Of The Week
On Wednesdays Steals and Deals post Steal of the week. I got a few this week, Thanks to my mom driving me on Friday after the doctor.
First Steal of the Week:

WalGreens was my other big score on Friday. I go in armed with a list, my coupons and my previous register rewards. I didn't take a picture of all I got but I remember most of it. I got a Gilette MVP Fusion Razor, 2 15 oz bottles of Johnson & Johnson Lotion and 1 of baby wash, 3 cans of Swanson Chicken Broth, 2 boxes of Oreos, 3 packs of Trident gum, and 2 Hershey Chocolate bars. For all of this my total savings was $29.45, only $4.50 was previous Register Rewards and my total out of pocket was $14.33! Plus I earned $7 more in Register Rewards to use this week! The other bonus is that WalGreens is also printing a $10 off a $25 purchase at Fashion Bug, I gave that to my sister. Hopeful I can use the next one.
I am going to share a coupon with you all. The movie The Proposal was released on Tuesday. Their is an internet coupon for $10 off Blu Ray and $5 off the DVD. Target has the movie on sale this week Blu Ray is $25.99 and DVD is $15.99. If you use the coupons your price would be Blu Ray $15.99 and DVD $10.99. This is the first movie I have seen in a theatre in 8 years, it is worth buying!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My Greatest Freebie
There isn't much information out yet, it is to be released January 1, 2010. The concept has been released though. You sign up to volunteer at Disney's Give A Day, Get A Day website starting January 1, 2010. They will have a list of Charities you can volunteer your day for. Sometime this next year go and volunteer. Your volunteer time gets verified, then you will receive an e-mail telling you to log into your account. From there you can print out your voucher. You then take your voucher and ID to the park and enjoy your Disney Day!
There are blackout dates for using the tickets and vary depending on the park you choose to redeem your ticket at. They can be used in Florida and California. You must be a US, Puerto Rico or Canada Resident. Tickets must be redeemed by December 15, 2010. If you would like to upgrade your ticket you can pay a fee, park hopper or multi day pass. Tickets are non transferable. One ticket per a person. Minimum age to volunteer is 6 years old.
I am thinking we might try to get our Volunteer time in January or February so we can take Delaney for her birthday March 1st! Anyone else thinking about this?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Hole In The Wall Gang
Jackie's quilt guild has set a goal of collecting and making 2000 handmade pillowcases for Hole In The Wall Gang Camp. Last year her guild was able to donate 1600 pillowcases. The camp was founded by Paul Newman for children with special needs and their families. The children get to take the pillowcases home with them at the end of their time at camp.
I am committing myself to making 5 pillowcases. If anyone would like to join me I am mailing mine Veteran's Day Weekend. I would be happy to include anyone that is local in my box.
For anyone that needs a tutorial on how to make a pillowcase here is the link to Jackie's Tutorial. Here is one call Burrito or Magic Pillowcase. If anyone would like I could photo copy Liz's pillowcase instructions. Also if you Google Pillowcase Tutorial you can find additional instruction.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Snow White DVD & Blu-Ray Deal!!!
Second I am going to share with you all how to get the new Snow White DVD & Blu-Ray Combo Pack for $5. Yes you read that right $5!!!
So first Toys R Us has the movie on sale for $19.99 and WalMart has it on sale for $19.96 this week until Saturday 10/10. Second there is a coupon (alternate coupon) that is hit and miss for printing for $10 off. Keep checking the coupon until you can print it, it is printing a limited number each day. Now your movie is down to $9.99 or $9.96. The third step is a Hefty mail in rebate for $5 with the purchase of Hefty plate cup or baggies. Once you receive the rebate your movie was $4.99 or $4.96!
Hefty has had coupons in the paper lately for $1 off Basic Paper Plates and $0.50 off the Elegant Paper Plates. Also I have heard some of the Hefty products are $1.97 at WalMart.
Also Kernel Seasons is offering a $5 rebate with purchase of 2 of their seasoning products. This rebate is good for a few different movies Snow White, Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure, Santa Buddies or Up.
Go forth, shop and be frugal!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Dear Scott
But don't take my WORD for it, take my PICTURE for it!
Scott and Dianah, Congratulations!!!
I will start with 6lbs 6 ounces, 18 inches!
Any other takers on the guessing?
UPDATE: I was WAY off - After speaking to a sore, but healthy and happy mom, I learned that Daphne is 8lbs and 20 inches. Grrr... but I didn't get the exact time.
I will guess 7:54am! LOL
Did I mention she is adorable?!
I think I am gonna have Moomp Photography branch out into birth photography - AWESOME!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Shopping Tips
First pay attention to shelf labels. I was just at Target and noticed a product I use but didn't need was marked down, reg $11.99 down to $6.99. Now I figure a $5 saving is really good. So I picked up 2. When I got to the check stand it rang up at full price. I asked for someone to check the shelf because there is a tag for $6.99. What happened was it was on sale LAST WEEK and Saturday night no one removed the tag. They did a price adjustment for me. I also had this happen on another product today that rang up at $3.24 and was signed at $2.99, she didn't bother to send someone to check that one she just changed it.
Second is stacking coupons. I know it takes a special kind of person to do the coupon thing but it really does save some money. Stacking coupons is when a store offers a coupon that can be used only at their store and a manufacturer also issues a coupon for the same product, you "stack" them together on one item and save. In our area Target, WalGreens and Rite Aid all do this.
Also you can use your coupons on Sale items and Clearance items. Today I had a Clearance item $2.24 with a Target coupon $1 off and a Manufacturer coupon $0.50 off. I ended up getting Scott some Chex Mix bars for $0.74!!!
I also check the website Steals and Deals daily for coupons, clearance info, Internet deals and stuff. This is were I learned about Stacking Coupons this weekend.
If you are going to use Internet coupons make sure your retailer accepts them! I can tell you not all retailers do. The Food 4 Less group that I work for does NOT! I was at Starbucks last week and their was a sign showing 3 Internet coupons that store didn't take. Also Starbucks within a store, Safeway and Target, does not take Starbucks coupons or gift cards. I will tell you the reason, Internet coupons are EASY to forge also many times retailers don't get paid for them. For some retailers it is easier to not take them, than take the HUGE loss of money if they do take them and don't get paid.
WalGreens and Rite Aid have register rewards. I am loving them. I have just started earning and using them. How it works is you buy the specific product or dollar amount of products and when you pay it prints out a coupon for dollars off your next purchase. I will give you my example from last week. I had to spend $20 on a grouping of products to get a $5 register reward. In the grouping of products was Lean Cuisine 2/$5 and Nestle Chocolate chips $1.99 a bag. I am using my Register Rewards to make Halloween Treats for my niece's kindergarten class for FREE! Here is the kicker WalGreens has some products on sale this week, plus you get a register reward and in Sunday's paper are coupons. They are now paying me to shop their!
Anyone else got some money saving tips? Share with us PLEASE.
I'm Still Here!

Friday, September 25, 2009
I am so EXCITED!!!
Which brings us to current day. Today I got to my mailbox and there is a check from the County Controllers office. I can't think of a reason that the controller would be sending me money. I open it up and it is for $25. Cool. Then I see it is the first payment of restitution for my truck window! I thought I would never see a penny of that money. Only 19 more payments!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Weekend Goal
I want 25 new items photoed and posted in my esty shop. I know I have been neglecting my shop. I have some stuff made and working on more. So tomorrow Linda is supposed to come move stuff for me so I can get to the esty shop box. By Sunday night I want 25 items!
Do you want a hint on what's to come? Maybe I shouldn't. Okay I will tell you. There are some glam bags, baby stuff, Christmas stockings, aprons (if I can get a model), and quilter's travel case.
I am hoping to start this project Saturday. So come back and see what happens!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What Did You Do Today?
Me "nothing."
Her "You really did nothing?"
I thought for a minute, I guess I did stuff. To me it is just life, nothing really. So here it is, What I Did Today:
Paid Bills and mailed them
Cleaned out the Frig
The Dishes
Put 12 lbs of Hamburger into 1 lb bags (Costco)
Made Pina Coladas for the freezer, Ready for 10/3
Made Tuna Sandwiches for Lunch
Made Chili for Dinner
Washed my sheets
Put clean sheets on my bed
Made a burp cloth, new style for me, kicked my butt
Cleaned some more of Nu Bebe's room
Found the bottles for Nu Bebe in the garage
Made 1 Asian Star block for Block Lotto
I don't feel like I did anything. Just life stuff. I am still planning on tacking out the garbage and a shower. I may pull some fabric for the HHR club quilt. See I did nothing!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Labor Day Plans
First is heading down to Manteca. We are going to hit K-Mart, you guessed it check for clearance Leap Frog Tag Books. Then we are going to the sale at Ladybug's Quilts. I have 9 or 10 bags of stuff to drop off for the families who's homes were destroyed in the apprehension of the suspected bank robbers on Friday. I also need 2 yards of a Black and White print to make Nu Bebe a crib sheet and I need a few 1/4 yard cuts for my red and aqua disappearing 9-patch swap.
Did you catch that? Yes I joined another swap. The Frankie's, Ghost's and 9-Patches are ready to mail for my Halloween Swap. They were supposed to go yesterday but do to a Postal conflict they are headed out 2 Day Mail on Tuesday morning. As for the new swap I joined Jane's Red and Aqua Disappearing 9-Patch Swap. It is going to be tons of fun. I even made 8 of my 25 9- patch blocks tonight. I am now out of Aqua but have cut some more Red so I will be ready to sew tomorrow. If you have ever thought about making a Red and Aqua quilt or a Disappearing 9-Patch quilt this is the swap for you. You shop click on over to Jane's and join. As of Saturday she had 43 of the 100 spots filled. Also she is only taking sign ups until Tuesday, even if the 100 spots aren't filled.
After leaving Manteca we are headed to Modesto to go to Beverly's. They seem to have a better fabric selection than Stockton. I am looking for car fabric to make a quilt for the HHR club. The So-Cal group has an annual show at Tom's Farm and a bunch of Nor-Cal members are going down. Scott and I have not finalized our plans on going yet. For some crazy reason I volunteered to make a raffle basket. I have a picnic basket and some stuff for it but I was thinking of making a quilt to go with it. I really have NOTHING going on between now and Oct 24th. LOL!!! We may decided to brave the Modesto Mall after that too.
Once we get home I need to clean some more and sew. What are your plans for Labor Day?
Friday, September 4, 2009
Killer Deal For Christmas
But wait I need books to go with the system now. K-Mart has some on Clearance for $6 and toys on clearance are an ADDITIONAL 20% off. Which makes the books only $4.80. But wait, I found another coupon for $3 off a Tag Book. Here is the trick with the books, you first take in your $3 coupon get one book and pay, mine was $2.23 with tax. K-Mart is printing out a register coupon for $5 off a book, game or toy. You walk book number 1 to the car and go back into K-mart and get another Clearance book. You then use the $5 coupon they just gave you and pay, my second book cost $0.23 plus I received another $5 coupon. Repeat as many times as needed for your Clearance books. You will still have 1 $5 off coupon to use on a future purchase. Coupons expire 11/19/09. Manufacture Suggested Retail price for books have a range of $13.99 to $15.99.
While I was walking back and forth K-Mart had the storage case on Clearance too. I figured I could splurge on it! The case was on Clearance for $13 plus the 20% off making it $10.80. K-Mart would not let me use the $5 off coupon since it wasn't a Book, Game, or Toy. Oh well. it cost me $11.34. Manufacture Suggested Retail price is $15.99.
Paying full price for the Tag Reading System, 3 Tag Books and the Storage case should have cost me just over $120. With VERY LITTLE effort I was able to get all of it for $17.59!!! The ONLY reason it cost so much is because of the storage case not having a coupon. If I would have stuck to just the Tag Reading System and 3 books my GRAND total would have been $6.25 compared to approx $105.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What A Day!
I woke up this morning not being able to use my left arm. I have some nerve damage from a pic line IV that was put in 4 years ago. Most of the time is no problem. Then there are days that knock you on your ass. Today is one of those days. I am hoping to be much better tomorrow.
The shoulder issue has set back my day! I stayed at home. Helping Delaney get dressed and in and out of my truck was out of the question. I needed to get to the post office. That has now been moved to the stuff that must be done on Friday. I have finished the Frankie Blocks for the Halloween Swap. The Ghosts and Frankies will be headed to Jane tomorrow. I have also added the photos to the Duvet Tutorial. My August Block Lotto blocks are packaged up and ready to ship tomorrow too. I also started Saturday's Sewing For Baby Tutorial, this week it is a mobile. I am pushing myself to get it done!
As for tomorrow, I need to be at JoAnn's early to pick up a pattern that is going on sale. When I was their earlier this week they only had 1 in the size I need. It is a Bloomer pattern for Sarah's Halloween costume. She is going to be Alice in Wonderland. H - I need a few measurements, I hope to start this weekend! We also need to hit Target. I am trying to stock up on 2 months worth on stuff. Good thing I drive a Suburban! I am also trying to hit Dinner's My Way to grab a few things.
Any big plans for this weekend? The last 3 day weekend of summer. Me no! Shopping Monday in Modesto that's all. Check back this weekend for a few things Saturday will be Sew For Baby Link to the Tutorial and Monday is the deadline for 10 peoples UFO projects.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Today Is The Day!!!

I will answer a question I got about the pickles. Some say their pickles turn out soft instead of having a crunch, I learned that you need to slice the pickles and then soak them in lime and water for 24 hours. After the 24 hours you rinse them, soak them in clean water for an hour and repeat 3 times. Then you pickle them. That is the longest part of the process. The actual pickling part took less than a half hour. It went so quick I wasn't ready with my jars, lids and stuff when my pickles were.
Now before you ask the closet was the only cool dark place I could think of in my house in August. I put a towel over them to block the light form the bedroom, bathroom and closet. This is also where we keep the red wine so I figured it would be safe.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Busy Saturday!

This is a shot of all the cars at Able Chevy Dealership before they left for the cruise. Scott's car is to the far right, the white one on the end.
I was back in Stockton by 9:15am so I ran for a quick pedicure. I was home just after 10am. Checked my e-mail and took a nap! Then it was get up and get ready for my baby shower!
My friends Heather and Kymn through me a wonderful shower at the Old Spaghetti Factory. I received over 600 diapers! I am so happy. I also got some cute clothes, good smelling soap and a few gift cards! Delaney scored some wonderful big sister gifts too.
When I got home I found out that I get to angel a spot in group 2 of the Halloween Swap! I have started making my 9-patches and will be working on my Frankie blocks Sunday and Monday. I already have a spot in group one of the swap. My ghost are ready to take flight to Jane. I am hoping to have Frankie ready on Monday and mail them both together on Monday.
Last but not least I JUST finish the tutorial for Nu Bebe's sewing list. This weeks tutorial is a Duvet Cover. I made them a simple as possible that a beginning sewer could make it. If you have sewing experience you will be able to whip right through it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Nu Bebe Sewing
Need to do:
1. Duvet Cover DONE
2. Embellish Bumper Pad (it is plain red now)
3. Mobile In Progress
4. Diaper To Go
5. Burp Cloth Sets
6. Receiving Blanket
7. Glam Bag
8. Wall Art
9. Crib Sheet
Like to do:
1. Slip Cover Chair
2. Slip Cover Ottoman
3. Travel Pillow
4. Nigh Night
5. Bed Skirt
I have noticed that I haven't posted any tutorials lately over at Stash & Scrap Elimination. So each Saturday starting this weekend for the next 4 weeks I am going to post a tutorial on Sewing for Nu Bebe! I will post a photo here of what I made that week for Nu Bebe and the link to the project over at Stash and Scrap. I am trying to make everything from fabric and notions that I have on hand. I do know that I need to buy a few things, buttons and maybe some trims, other than that most of these will be gifts you can make from your sewing stash. ***My sewing stash always includes cloth diapers.***
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
At 4am I found out that Teddy Kennedy had passed away. I have always liked Senator Kennedy. He was the last of the great Kennedy Dynasty. He served 46 years in Congress and accomplished many great things. He knew that he received the best medical care available because of who he was and the money he had. He was working on the Health Care Reform Committee up until his death. He felt everyone deserved access to good medical care not just those who could afford it. I am not saying the man was a saint. He was a womanizer, alcoholic and liked to party.
Here is my issue, flags will be flown at half mass. This drives me insane. I rarely read the news so I always end up calling my mom to find out why they are at half mass. When Regan died and they were down for 30 days it drove me crazy. Now for you trying to figure out my issue with this here it is something is wrong when the flag is at half mass. The world is NOT okay when you go to Mc Donald's and the flag is at half mass.
Since I was up at 4am and couldn't sleep I made another Christmas present. I am trying to get groups of people done, you know like this family, that social group, my parents, ect. I have a grouping of 5 that need to be done, as of this morning only one left in the group to make a gift for. It helps they are all getting the same thing.
I also realized about 5am Nu Bebe will be here in 5 weeks and I haven't started sewing for her. Today I need to make the list of stuff to make for her. It will be longer than I want. The reason I am sharing this I am going to have to put the Stars and Stripe quilt on the back burner for awhile again. I know I called some of you out to finish projects with me. I am just shifting projects. I will post my list of Nu Bebe projects tomorrow and the new goal number of what will be finished for Labor Day. I am also thinking of posting tutorials of some of the things I make over at my Stash & Scrap Elimination Blog.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Happy Birthday to ME!
The biggest WOW thing for me has been computers. I can remember as a kid a computer took up whole buildings and the government used them. The home computer wasn't even a concept. Today I own a desk top and 2 lap tops! It is amazing to think that something that not long ago took up HUGE buildings, I can now throw in my purse and drive down the road using it! (NO I don't drive and surf the web. Scott drives, I surf.)
I am going with a list off the top of my head here. Other things I have live through and seen:
1. the King of Rock n Roll dying, Elvis
2. the King of Pop dying, Micheal Jackson
3. the crack in the Iron Curtain and the Wall coming down
4. Vinyl to 8 track tape to CD's to an I-pod
5. Who Shot JR?
6. Having less than 10 channels on TV to having hundreds
7. Desert Storm
8. Cell Phones
9. The space Shuttle Challenger blowing up
10. The Twin Towers
11. More than one Recession
12. Harley Davidson celebrating 100 years
13. Rotarty dial phones
14. Pong to Atari to Playstation to Wii
15. THE Royal wedding, Princess Diana and Prince Charles
16. OJ Simpon Murder trial
17. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
18. San Francisco Bay Earthquake, 1989
19. Iran Contra Affairs
20. Bill Clinton's Affairs
21. Oaklahoma City Bombing
22. Capture of the Unibomber
23. Capture of Noriega in Panama
24. Disneyland turns 50, DisneyWorld turns 25, and openning of Disneyland Tokoyo and Paris
25. Welfare Reform
26. Birth of MTV
27. 1992 Execution of Robert Alton Harris, first Death Row Execution in California in 25 years
28. Rodney King and the LA Riots
29. Aids and HIV
30. Internet
A little on quilting changes:
31. Hand quilting your own to 3 month waiting list to send out to a Long Arm Quilter
32. Horible little calico prints to big bright bold designs
33. Making your own cardboard templates and cutting with scissors to plexiglass templates and Rotary cutting almost everything
34. Yo-Yo Makers
35. Quilting being something your Grandma did to being something everyone does
What is the WOW thing, for you, that has happened in your lifetime? Come on, leave me a comment it's my birthday!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Free Produce
First you take a 3 year old with you and hold their hand. Next you hit the bakery booth and buy the 3 year old a cookie to hold while you shop, it keeps them busy. Next you stop to buy 1 bell pepper, the 3 year old ask for "a tomato, oh PLEASE, oh PLEASE, oh PLEASE." As you are paying for the 1 bell pepper you tell the 3 year old next time. The nice farmers gives the 3 year old 2 tomatoes. You both say "Thank You." Next you go to buy some nectarines. As you are paying the 3 year old asks "momma I want a peach." Big sign. You explain "we got nectarines this week, we will get peaches next week." Again farmer hands 3 year old a peach. You smile and say "Thank you." As you make it to the last booth and you are paying for your pint of blackberries the 3 year old asks for blueberries. You have given up. You say "if I was buying Strawberries you'd want Raspberries, if I was buying Raspberries you'd want Blackberries, today we are buying Blackberries so you want Blueberries. Next week we will buy Blueberries." Before the nice farmer gives me my change he goes to the truck to get the 3 year old a good pint of Blueberries. You both smile and say "Thank you." As you walk to the truck you murmur spoiled.
This is a true story. These events took place today in Downtown Stockton between 12:30pm and 1 pm. I now have enough fruit to last me weeks!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
No Spending For A Year!
Yesterday I was at my sister's house and flipped through this months issues of Good Housekeeping, it has a few really good articles in it. One that caught my eye is Could You Survive a Year Without Shopping? Without reading the article my answer is HELL NO! I have cut back but not give up completely. I encourage all of you to go and read the article.
I can get into most of the concept. You are to only purchase edibles and depletables for one year. Okay I get it. Money not spent on "shopping for stuff" is saved or spent on entertainment (vacations too). Okay. Using Freecycle and repurposing things you already have. Got it. Making gifts instead of purchasing THE most expensive, fabulous, new thing on the market. I am still with you. Taking your families old clothes to a consignment shop and using the credit to purchase new to you stuff. Okay, kids grow and need clothes.
Here was where I get hung up, the family of 5 in the article go to the movies more in this year, that could be an easy $80 to $100 dollars. For this family to see a movie in Stockton tickets would be $45.75, if they purchased all 5 a large drink that is another $25. Right there this family is at $70.75 with no popcorn or candy which is okay to purchase since it is edible. Wouldn't it be cheaper to wait for the DVD to come out? Really you buy the movie $20, box of microwave popcorn $4, 12 pack of soda $4 and a candy bar each $5. Grand Total for movie night at home $33. But you can't buy the DVD because your not shopping for a year. WHAT!!! Is it okay to go to Costco and buy the movie passes their at a discounted price? See where I get confused?
Here is my other issue, they switched to using disposable razors (they found under the bathroom sink) cause blades aren't edible or depletable. HUH? Last I checked I CAN use up a Mach 3 razor blade. You know you have used it up when it starts to draw blood. DEPLETABLE!!!
Here's the last issues I will share on this, can you still purchase services? I mean you don't NEED to get your hair and nails done. You could pluck your eyebrows instead of waxing them. Some people who do this say no to luxury services others say they are okay. To big of gray area for me.
Now some of you are trying to figure out how I have cut back. First I have not got any new jewelry this year, with the exception of one small princess cut diamond for Nu Bebe on my add a diamond bracelet. Normally I would have gotten something for Mother's Day and something for my birthday next Monday. Also I have cut way back on fabric, I have purchased 52 yards this year in turn I have used 125 yards. Which means I have used 72 yards more than I have purchased. Instead of buying books on the Tuesday they come out I have been trading some with my sister, no since of both of us buying it. I am even thinking about getting a library card, shh don't tell Heather I don't have one.
So are you going to try not to shop for a year?