We made it through the week. This is an accomplishment for us. It seems like Sunday was long ago, not just seven days. I going to give you the highs and lows.
Sunday-My dad's hand was extremely swollen, red and in pain. My mom and I went to the R. Lily Show and Tell party, neither of us won the Mystery quilt contest. Thank you to all who voted for us.
Monday- My dad was in so much pain with his hand he couldn't sleep. His work sent him to the doctor to have it looked at. The drained it and took a culture. I had some challenges training a new co-worker. I got to see Gina at the quilt shop and picked up Poop's new Nigh, night. Delaney fell, busted her head open in the shower and we got to go to ER. After spending 4 hours, until 1am, in ER without seeing a doctor we went home.
Tuesday- My dad went back to the doctor, they said it is worse than they thought(it had abscessed) and referred him out to a specialist. The specialist scheduled surgery for Wednesday. Dad was bite by a spider while loading a pipe at work. We took Poop to the doctor, and found the 1/2" whole in her head. Dr. Cahill said she should have had stitches but since they weren't put done in the first 2 hours that the ER wouldn't have done them if we stuck around anyway. Poop didn't have a concussion. I had another challenging day at work. Friend's grandma was moved from Stockton to UCSF for medical treatment.
Wednesday- My dad had surgery. His hand was bad on the inside to but had not reached the bone, GOOD NEWS! They ended up draining it and packing it. He was scheduled to go back to the doctor on Friday. IF his hand is not improving he is going into isolation at the hospital. Another Challenging day at work. I have to run to Lathrop to pick up deposit bags for Thursday. I refuse to grocery shop! Picked up Christmas photos at the Mall. Refuse to go to the Mall on Black Friday!
Thursday- Happy Thanksgiving! I got to do my job! I enjoy doing what I do and I am good at it! Scott smoked the traditional Brisket and made Old No. 7 sweet potatoes, cranberry fritters, chocolate pecan pie with chocolate Jack Daniels Ice Cream. I ordered Christmas cards from Costco. Aunt Steph and Uncle Victor came down from Reno tonight.
Friday- My Day Off! Notice this is the first time you are reading that. I was out of the house around 6:15am. Stopped by work to send out the schedule. Met Linda out at Trinity Park to go to Office Depot, JoAnn's and Target. I SHOPPED! I even got a few gifts. Dad called he doesn't have to go to the hospital! YEAH! He has to go back on Monday. Do doctor's know how much diesel cost? More than gas. Went out to do more shopping with Scott and Poop. Came home and decorated more of Scott's living room. The three of us went out to visit at my parents house tonight.
Saturday- It's really has only been a week. Work was better. I got to spend most of the day sewing in Manteca with my quilting friends. I got my first of 10 gifts for my friends made. I will whip some more out this week. Scott and Poop are at Scott's uncle's birthday party. I am cleaning the living room waiting for my sister to call so I can meet her at JoAnn's so Nikki can pick out fabric for a dress.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Cry For HELP!
Friends I know I can count on you for this one. A friend of mine is trying to collect 150 empty adult size shoe boxes. She is going to fill and decorate these boxes with Christmas for under privileged children.
If you have some shoe boxes that you would like to get rid of let me know, leave a message here, call me, e-mail, whatever, and I will come get them from you. If you are like me and don't happen to have an empty shoe box, take this opportunity to do some charity work and go buy a few pairs of shoes so you can donate the box. It will make you feel good.
Thanks everyone!
If you have some shoe boxes that you would like to get rid of let me know, leave a message here, call me, e-mail, whatever, and I will come get them from you. If you are like me and don't happen to have an empty shoe box, take this opportunity to do some charity work and go buy a few pairs of shoes so you can donate the box. It will make you feel good.
Thanks everyone!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
There's A Light!!!
There's a light at the end of the tunnel! Nah. It's a train, I just heard the whistle! LOL!
Things have been a little busy around here. I have been working six days a week because we are short handed. We did hire someone, the light. Now I am training her, it will take 3 weeks of training before she is on her own, the whistle. So this means a few more weeks with one day off, the train. I am hoping that around the first week of December I will be back to working only 5 days a week at my PART TIME JOB. Right now everyone in my department is working like this, I'm not alone.
The bright side of life, I will find out Sunday if I am one of the top 3 winners in the R. Lily Stem Mystery Quilt Contest. If you are in Modesto between now and Sunday at 1pm stop by, see the quilts, and vote. PLUG for me, I have been told I might be number 5, view my quilt below before going to vote. I have almost finish ripping the quilting out of my Scrappier Than Scrappy and am getting ready to load it again, to quilt again. I am also working on making custom coffee cup sleeves, so I don't have to use the paper ones at the coffee house. I am still working on ideas for Christmas gift for our friends. Any help out their???
Scott is still working in San Ramon and building the two custom houses in West Sacramento. He is hoping to be driving the Blazer again soon. The transmission is being replaced this week and a few other things are being looked at. He will be happy again.
Poop is perfecting that art of the pout. When she is told no or she can't have/do something she gives a loud sign, crosses her arms over her chest, sticks out her bottom lip, tilts her head down and look up at up though her eyelashes. She is very good at it. She learns new words everyday and is trying to sing her ABC's.
Things have been a little busy around here. I have been working six days a week because we are short handed. We did hire someone, the light. Now I am training her, it will take 3 weeks of training before she is on her own, the whistle. So this means a few more weeks with one day off, the train. I am hoping that around the first week of December I will be back to working only 5 days a week at my PART TIME JOB. Right now everyone in my department is working like this, I'm not alone.
The bright side of life, I will find out Sunday if I am one of the top 3 winners in the R. Lily Stem Mystery Quilt Contest. If you are in Modesto between now and Sunday at 1pm stop by, see the quilts, and vote. PLUG for me, I have been told I might be number 5, view my quilt below before going to vote. I have almost finish ripping the quilting out of my Scrappier Than Scrappy and am getting ready to load it again, to quilt again. I am also working on making custom coffee cup sleeves, so I don't have to use the paper ones at the coffee house. I am still working on ideas for Christmas gift for our friends. Any help out their???
Scott is still working in San Ramon and building the two custom houses in West Sacramento. He is hoping to be driving the Blazer again soon. The transmission is being replaced this week and a few other things are being looked at. He will be happy again.
Poop is perfecting that art of the pout. When she is told no or she can't have/do something she gives a loud sign, crosses her arms over her chest, sticks out her bottom lip, tilts her head down and look up at up though her eyelashes. She is very good at it. She learns new words everyday and is trying to sing her ABC's.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Good Poop News!
I took Poop to the eye doctor today for her drooping eyelid, the left one. She has exactly that a drooping eyelid. It is less than a millimeter. We do need to put drops in her eye to help with the minor puffiness.
Droopy eyelids are rated on a five step scale starting at Mild going to Severe. The doctor rated her at a Very, Very Mild. The can do surgery to help correct a droopy eye but he recommended that we walk out of any doctor's office that even suggested her to have surgery. He also dilated her eyes to check inside. At this point he said she did not have any noticeable near or far sightedness. He doesn't need to see her again unless something else comes up. He also said I was a good mom for bringing her in to be checked out and not letting it go.
We feared she might have had "lazy eye" which would have required patches and surgery.
Side note for Lisa: Poop fell climbing onto Linda's bed last week and hurt her arm. She cried for 45 minutes solid and wouldn't move her fingers. I debated calling the doctor. Then all I could think was POOR RICHIE. I called the doctor and took her in. Her arm isn't broken but did have a soft tissue bruise. POOR RICHIE.
Droopy eyelids are rated on a five step scale starting at Mild going to Severe. The doctor rated her at a Very, Very Mild. The can do surgery to help correct a droopy eye but he recommended that we walk out of any doctor's office that even suggested her to have surgery. He also dilated her eyes to check inside. At this point he said she did not have any noticeable near or far sightedness. He doesn't need to see her again unless something else comes up. He also said I was a good mom for bringing her in to be checked out and not letting it go.
We feared she might have had "lazy eye" which would have required patches and surgery.
Side note for Lisa: Poop fell climbing onto Linda's bed last week and hurt her arm. She cried for 45 minutes solid and wouldn't move her fingers. I debated calling the doctor. Then all I could think was POOR RICHIE. I called the doctor and took her in. Her arm isn't broken but did have a soft tissue bruise. POOR RICHIE.
PIF Time!
It's may turn to PIF. I will recieive my PIF from Gina, in turn I post a PIF on my blog.
Pay It Forward rules:
I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.
Who will be the lucky three?
Pay It Forward rules:
I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.
Who will be the lucky three?
Monday, November 5, 2007
Almost Done!
I have finished piecing the top center of my Mystery Quilt. I am very happy with it. It still has a pieced border to be put on for the contest and IF I choose I can add a solid border to it. I am hoping to have the pieced border on by Tuesday night so I can decide IF I am going to do a solid border and and audition fabric for it.
So here it is...

Side note Scott has primed the Armoir for my Studio. It should be painted and have shelves this weekend and be ready to go into the Studio.
So here it is...
Side note Scott has primed the Armoir for my Studio. It should be painted and have shelves this weekend and be ready to go into the Studio.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Mystery Solved!
I picked up Step 6 to my mystery quilt Guilty As Charged. I love it! I am hoping to have it finished this weekend. It is set on point so I am working the corners to the middle. It also has a pieced first border. I am going to add a stopper and second border. It should finish about a queen size with a good drop on all sides. Here is where I'm at so far. I have 2 more rows ready to sew on.

Are you ready for it G?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Treat Peaz!
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