Friday, May 29, 2009

Things In My World!

I will start at the top of the list and work my way down.

First I am 5 1/2 months pregnant and it is a girl. Scott and I were waiting to tell people until he came home in June but that right was taken away from us recently. I was taken off work this week for the next two weeks because I am having some issues with dehydration. So I am resting and drinking a gallon to 2 gallons of water a day.

As I can I am working on packing up my sewing studio. I am hoping to have it at least half way emptied by the time Scott gets home in 4 weeks. There is tons of little stuff I can do in their. Which also means I will be getting a table at the Manteca Guild White Elephant Sale in August. Some stuff will also be going onto Etsy.

This weekend has a list of stuff to do. I always make a list of 10 items, if they all get done I then add items on. So here is this weekends list:

1. Finish up this weeks 9-patches
2. Finish and mail American Ann
3. Finish and mail Bee Inspired blocks
4. Make Pink Stocking
5. Photograph and post 8 items onto Etsy
6. Make Tutorial for disappearing 9-Patch
7. Finish filling Scott's box to be mailed next week
8. Clean Up 30 things in Sewing Studio
9. Finish 2 place mats
10. Clean 1 shelf of cookbooks

Let's see what gets done!


Dave said...

Wow! Congratulations on the baby. We are so excited for you! I am glad that you are 5 months along or I would be doing the math and wonder how often the mailman was visiting while Scott was away! Get some rest! Maybe baby #3 will be a Scott, Jr.!

Sandra H said...

Dave, I don't think Scott and Dy are working on #3. Unless Dy is not telling me something. She is working on #2.
Dy, I too have a list of things to do. I hope you put a big dent in your list. I need to baste a qn sz quilt; finish 9 9-patches; trim, border, and baste cross quilt; vacuum house; start weeding back yard; and finish trimming Jap maple. My list is not as big, I'm not working on a gift from heaven, nor do I have a 3 yr old running around; however, I am lacking in motivation. Good luck my dear.

Gina said...

Glad the cat is out da bag! Congrats:) Send me a list of what you have so I can shop over the internet:) I always need chit.

Lisa said...

Congrads! Wow, you are over half way.

Lue-Anne said...

Congrats. You still get more done in a day than I do in a week. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to take some of those items off of your list. In other words, We can help. You just have to ask. LA