Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I am KINDA back
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Memorial Day Weekend Give Away!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011
Another Finish

Friday, May 20, 2011
Quilts I Hate
I love making a quilt for Thursday because the weekend can't get here soon enough. Birthdays, weddings and babies are good too. Retirements are fun. I love to make quilts for family and friends to push my creativity.
Two days ago I found out my best friend from age 4 to 10 was diagnosed with Lymphoma. They are still unsure of the type and stage. She is 4 months to the day older than me. She has a 19 year old daughter, 11 year old son and her granddaughter turns 1 this summer. She has a wonderful husband, family and friends as a support group to help her through this.
Without putting it off longer today I will go out to shop for fabric to make a quilt. It will be a quilt that is made with love, is needed and will be used. BUT it is also a quilt I really hate to make.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Kick Off To Summer Self Challenge Week 3
I think I am doing okay on my Kick Off To Summer Self Challenge.
1. Lost 2.9 lbs
2. Will be starting Week 3 on the iFit. It is fun but I did slack off last week.
3. The weather isn't really working with me on the tanning thing. I lay out a few days it then is cold and raining. I have some color but would like more.
4. I have 2 quilts at 2 different quilters. I have one that I have half way quilted and the binding is cut for. AND the quilt I picked up last week I am sewing the binding on the back this week.
I am a work in progress!
I am hoping to work on the Pillow and have it ready to show you all next Monday. I am making 2 this year. One to give away and the other for me! Each year I want to keep the pillow this year I am.
Anyone else working on a challenge by Memorial Day?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Kick Off To Summer Self Challenge Week 2
1. I am down 1 lb from last week. Only 4 lbs to go!
2. I hsve been laying out a few days a week. I have some faint tan lines.
3. I am up to Week 2 day 3 on my iFit with Jullian Michaels. It is actually fun!
4. I started quilting a quilt last week. I am picking on up tonight from the quilter, just needs binding. I am dropping another one off tonight to the quilter.
I am doing good on my Self Challenge!!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Kick Off To Summer Self Challenge
Here is my Kick Off To Summer Self Challenge
1. Drop 5 pounds
2. Get some color, red is a color
3. I will complete through week 4 of Jullian Michael's iFit on the treadmill
4. I will finish 3 quilts
Also for those that have been with me awhile know that Memorial Day brings my annual pillow give away. I am already working on this years idea.
Who's joining me? Leave me a comment with your Kick Off To Summer Self Challenge.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
April End of Month
2. I made me McCall's 6204, LOVE IT!!!
3. 2 Finished UFO's
Once A Marine
Jaybird's Siggy Quilt
4. Slow cooking month
Pillsbury Chocolate Chocolate Chunk Cookies, I never made cookies until this but they were GREAT!
I now have a new temporary catagory "THE JENNIFER PROJECT" Jennifer issued the challenge of finishing 15 projects, they don't all have to be quilts. You will see some double up with my UFO list.
1. Once a Marine
2. Jaybird's Siggy Quilt
3. Puppy Philanthropy Quilt
4. Potato Bag
5. Corn Bag
Monday, April 25, 2011
3 Day Walk Update
I will continue to fundraise to meet my personal goal of $3000. I will set monthly goals until I walk in September. If you would like to help me reach my goals you can donate on my page or click on the 3 Day image to the left.
I am close to my goal for this month I need a few more $5 and $10 donations to make it. Every donation takes us One Step Closer to a cure.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sampler Sunday! 2
I am holding off on throwing you a curve. Instead here is a fun easy block.
Many of you know that I support the military. I am joining in with Moda and their Just One Star project. Moda is trying to make 100 quilts in 100 days using this star pattern. Moda is asking for cream background and medium Red or medium Blue blocks. If you choose to make a block it needs to be in the mail this next week.
Now this makes about a 10" block so I am adding a 1 1/2" stripe to each side to make a 12" block for my sampler quilt. My blocks will be ready to photo later this week.
I challenge all of you to make 2 blocks. One for Moda and One for yourself.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Fabric Prices
In the last few years fabric has gone from $9 a yard up to $10 to $11 a yard. Many fabric manufactures have moved their operations to Japan. Many designers work with teams in Japan to get their designs and colors right before going to production in Japan.
Just this year Kona cotton has gone from $6 a yard last December to $7 a yard in March, that is the first time I purchased it this year. That is about 17% jump in 1 year!
Now if you are wondering who, I have a few for you.
1. Moda
2. Robert Kaufman
3. Micheal Miller
4. Lucein
I am not sure on a few others but I am sure with a little research you could find out.
As budgets are tightening I am wondering what is going to happen to fabric prices. For me at $11 a yard I REALLY have to love the fabric to buy it. I am working more on finishing my UFO's and not starting new quilts. I am shopping my stash before heading out to a store. I am using my scraps and not just storing them. Now I am not saying that I am not buying ANY fabric. I am pickier about what I buy. Instead of buying a half yard of 6 fabrics in a line that I like, I buy a half yard of my favorite that I can use with what I already have. Here is an example. This weekend I saw a fabric with High Heels on it, LOVE! It was white fabric with Black shoes and once in awhile there was a red shoe. SO ME!!! BUT they also had it WITHOUT the red, just white with black. Now I loved the one with the red, the one without worked better with my stash. So I bought a half yard of with one without the red.
Also I was looking through the Connecting Threads catalog today. Their fabric runs $5 to $7 a yard and is Made in the USA. Plus orders over $50 get FREE SHIPPING!!! Has anyone ordered from them? I would love to hear what you think of their fabric. I am thinking of placing an order.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sampler Sunday!
I decided that I have a ton of SCRAPS leftover from my Stars & Stripes quilt that I needed something to do with. I don't have much yardage but I do have usable chunks. I thought why not make a sampler. Most of the fabric is from an old Moda line "We The People."

The block I started with is Four Corners from Quilters Cache. There are tons of free blocks on the site. I usually sort by size to find a block. This block was SUPER easy to cut and piece. It took me under an hour and that was with a diaper change, getting dessert and a phone call to mom. Next Sunday I am throwing you a CRUVE! Who's in with me?
Friday, April 8, 2011
With Friends Like Mine!
It never fails that when a friend needs a partner in crime I get the call. This has been going on FOREVER!!!
A few months after college graduation a friend broke up with her boyfriend. I got THE CALL. I figured I was going to be the Designated Drive after all what are girlfriends for. OH HECK NO! Nothing that easy with this call. She needed someone to jump out of an airplane. Yes I went skydiving.
So no surprise last week I was talking to another girlfriend and she says "If I get 15 UFO's done I am going to redecorate my bedroom in pink and black. You should do it with me." UGGGGH! Okay...
So I walked into the sewing space and looked around. Well Once A Marine only needs binding, one done! Then Dazzling Diamonds was up on a quilter's list for next month so I pieced the back and shipped it out, sorta done. Now for number 3. Stars and Stripes.
I have had this top done to this point for YEARS. Last night I was determined that I was going to get the borders on it. At 10pm I figured out why it has been in the box for so long! I never bought the fabric for the stopper border. That's right all that has been stopping this from being a quilt is 3/8 yard of fabric. After reading Vicki's blog yesterday I realized it is okay to buy a little fabric to get a lot of fabric used.
BACK This is what I mean by getting a lot of fabric used. Last night since I couldn't work on the borders, I did check my stash nothing worked, I pieced the back. I knew I wanted to frame out the panel with the extra fabric from the front. I ended up using over 3 1/2 yards of fabric.
Today I did run to the quilt shop and buy 1/2 yard of blue for the stopper and we are back in business. I will have the borders on today and start the quilting this weekend.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Shipping Out
Monday, April 4, 2011
I am taking this time to explain why. Also if you want to speak to me about it feel free to leave a comment, call or e-mail me.
This is not intended to bash anyone but to explain my feelings and actions. I set a goal at the beginning of 2010 to help bring change to the Manteca Quilters. I feel I honestly tried. I was supported by many members in my efforts and genuinely thank all of you for that.
Unfortunately I feel like I am being Bullied by one member. I have had a few problems with this member regarding a few different issues. Other members have had the opportunity to stand up to this member and instead have chosen not to and bash me along with her. Those members have said good things to my face about the projects I have worked on but once confronted with the Bully joined her.
I have been accused that I have ramrodded my pet projects down the guild throat. In fact I presented an idea to the board, who approved it and then took the idea to the guild to vote on the idea. According to the vote ALL members present voted yes. It has also been said that I don't understand that just because there is money in the Guild's bank account that I cannot just decide to spend it.
I will say that 2 of 3 committees I was on did over spend their budgets. Let me explain.
1. Christmas Quilt Block Committee budget $200 spent about $140
2. Christmas Dinner PROJECTED budget of $900, that would be 80 members paying $10 each for dinner total of $800 and $100 from the guild budget. Actual was 64 members paying for dinner and $100 from the guild for a total of $740. We still had to buy food, plates and treat for all 80 people. From what checks we were reimbursed we figured we spent about $760. So yes we were about $20 over budget. Leftover food and bottled water was taken to the December class for guild members to enjoy.
3. Quilt Show Gift Baskets budget $0 spent $28. This committee has NO BUDGET. The Quilt Show Chair did pre approve both of the $14 purchases that were made for this committee. One was for 8 spools of ribbon for the baskets and the other was for buckets to hold tickets. I will also say that this committee brought in $1400 this year and we the committee spent 2% of that.
I would like to clear up one more issue. It has been said that I am a new member and don't understand how things work. This is incorrect. Although I am younger than most of Manteca Quilt Guild membership I have been a member for 9 years. I have also been a member of other non profit groups and do understand budgets.
At this time I do not feel it is productive for me to be a member of this group.
This does NOT mean I am going to quit sewing and quilting. PLEASE know that I am still here to answer questions and help my friends. You can call me and I will help you.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
March End of Month
2. Clothes Nothing
3. UFO 2 are in progress to finish in April
4. I hosted the Philly Dinnertime Dilemma House Party this month. So my recipes came from they sent me.
Chicken & Broccoli
Caramel from Ina Garten
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
1. Scott will be home in 2 more weeks
2. I am starting a dress for me
3. I will be dancing in the Venus Pole Fitness Open House.
4. I am on track for meeting my March fundraising goal, $1700
5. Finishing binding on a UFO
6. Sending 3 quilts to quilters
7. Sewing little girl dresses with friends
8. Planning Delaney's birthday party, she wanted to wait till her dad was home
9. Hosting the Philly Cooking Cream House Party this weekend
10. Getting a 1948 Singer Featherweight 221
Monday, February 28, 2011
February Month End
2. No clothing this month but I did buy a pattern to make a dress with fabric I found in my stash. It is beautiful pinstripe fabric I at Britex MANY years ago.
3. Finished UFO's
President's Challenge "Weed In My Garden"
Stitchin Sister's Challenge "Finding My Bliss"
4. New Recipes
Candy Bar Chocolate Chip Cookies from the Picky Palate.com
Chicken Picata from Ina Garten book
Orange Pound Cake from Ina Garten book Family Style
Apple Blueberry Crumble
Sorry this is late. I thought I had it set to auto publish.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pink Hair!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
One Week!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Mojo FOUND!!!

SOOOO I bought the book above Quilts For The Modern Home Simplify by Camille Roskelley. I am in LOVEEEE. EVERYONE should go out and buy this book. I am totally motivated to quilt. I want to make them all. I am so excited to sew again. The first quilt up is Little Man. I will be using Alice in Wonderland by Maywood Studio.
My friend Jennifer and I bought the Alice tower about a year ago and have been looking for the perfect project for it. Several of the quilts will work with the large focal prints. Tonight I order a piece of yardage for borders and a piece for binding. Once the show is over and the fabric is deliver we will be piecing all night long!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
2010 Health Goal
Now I have been asked "How did you do it?" Honestly, No I didn't have surgery. No I didn't take a magic pill. No I didn't wave a fairy wand. I did it with work. I did it with diet and exercise. I REFUSE to eliminate foods from my diet. I choose to limit the amount of them I eat.
My big diet tips are PORTION CONTROL and DRINK WATER!!! I tried eating High Protein and Low Carb diet when I did Booty Camp. My body didn't like that. I only lost 2lbs in 2 weeks. My body responds to portion control. I also drink Protein Shakes in the morning. I am not a breakfast person so the shake is a good way for me to start the day. I try to drink a gallon of water a day. I still eat Mc Donalds BUT my secret is I get a cheeseburger and split a small fry with the girls. Yes there are days that I get a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and a Large Fry but that is maybe once every 6 weeks. I have also limited my alcohol intake. Pizza and beer is a must once a month. It is amazing how long a 12 pack is lasting at my house lately.
Now the dreaded exercise. UGHHHH! I found something that I LOVE! Without Venus Pole Fitness I don't think I would have even thought of dropping the 30lbs. I started with Pole Fitness and fell in love. Since last July I have taken many classes, Lap and Chair Dancing, 4 weeks of Booty Camp, and some traditional Abs and Legs classes. I have been able to take classes from 4 of the instructors and they are all wonderful and supportive. Thursday night I am starting Burlesque Dance Classes. I can't wait! With the encouragement I have received at Venus I found DVD's that I enjoy doing at home. I have gotten out my Gazelle and have been using that.
Now my goal for this next year, to maintain. I would like to drop another 10lbs and I know I can do it. Right now I am more focused on keeping off the 30 lbs I already lost. I am also working on the training for the 3-Day Walk. I would never thought that any of this was possible for me.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Pink Pain
As of 1pm I reached my goal of $750 in donations for the 3 Day Walk!!! My family and friends are amazing. I wanted to have $750 by 11:59pm Valentine's Day, I was 35 hours ahead of schedule. This is 30% of the $2300 I need to do the walk. So PLEASE keep the donations coming in.
Yesterday I got to take two classes at Venus Pole Fitness. Diane is amazing! I got to take a Lap Dance class followed up by a Chair Dance class. I had a fun time and an AMAZING workout! Today I am sore I know that tomorrow I will be in PAIN.
Today I got to walk a 5k with my team One Step Closer! I got to meet a great group of women that I am going to love training and fundraising with. I can't wait!
Friday, February 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Getting Started!!!
I am busy training and raising donations. I set a goal of $750 by 11:59pm on Valentine's Day. Now if I make it I will dye my hair HOT PINK! Plus I have some friends that will take a photo of my hair and post it all over the place. Also one of my friends made a photo card for me to mail to help raise donations.
I have also joined the group One Step Closer. They do training and fund raising together. Plus we all camp and walk together in San Francisco.
If you would like to help get my hair HOT PINK you can make and online donation on my 3 Day Walk page. I am also working on a few other ideas to help me make my goal.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
220 Days!

I have decided to walk in the SGK 3 Day for the Cure in San Francisco this September. I am very excited to FINALLY get to do this. It will be A LOT of work. First I need to raise $2300 and second I need to get my body in condition to walk 60 miles in 3 days.
If you would like to support me on my journey you can go to The 3 Day on the right is says "Donate to a Participant" click on that. It will then have a box that you can type in my first name "Dianah". I am the ONLY one. It will then walk you through making a donation.
Monday, January 31, 2011
January Month End
2. I made me Hounds Tooth Coat.
3. I finished 2 UFO's.
4. I have tried a few recipes. My Farm Fresh To You box helps. I love it!
1. Homemade Lemonade (I finally made simply syrup too!)
2. Kale Chips
3. Ina Garten's Taragon Potato Salad, recipe is in her new cookbook "how easy is that?"
4. Meyers Lemon Pie recipe came with my FFTY box!
5. Ina Garten's Ultimate Grilled Cheese "how easy is that?"
6. Ina Garten's Steakhouse Steaks "how easy is that?"
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I Am Thinking...
I am thinking of a few different ways to do this.
1. a block a day, like a 9 patch
2. Three 12" blocks a week
Within 2 months we would have almost enough blocks to have a top. The third month for sashing and borders. Then using bigger pieces we would piece the back.
Anyone interested in joining me?
Friday, January 21, 2011
Free Stitchery BOM!!!
Little Miss Shabby is doing Birdie Stitcher BOM. I really like it and I am thinking I need to do this one for ME!!!

I love her colors. I think I might need to find the same fabric for mine. SUPER CUTE!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
2011 Goals
1. Maintain my weight loss. I have lost just over 30 lbs this past year. I am not sure if I want to loose more but I do know I don't want to find what I lost.
2. Sew 6 pieces of clothing for me! Some of you may know that I have 2 college degrees one is in Fashion Design and the other is in Fashion Merchandising. I rarely take time to make clothes for me. I buy the stuff, pattern, fabric, notions, thread ect but that's as far as it gets.
3. I am going with 12 UFO's again. Here is the BIG secret, I often take classes I WANT to take for something for ME. Then I get home and it goes in a box because I then have to get something done for someone else. I have already finished 1 UFO for me this year.
4. Try new recipes. I enjoy cooking. I LOVE Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa. Sometimes I feel like why bother the girls are just as happy with a corndog. So 4 new recipes a month!
I have decided that I will have a monetary reward for my goals. So each month I will get $10 that I maintain my weight. I will get $10 for each piece of clothing and each UFO. I am still trying to decide if I will do $10 per a recipe or a month. Now you might be wondering "what is she doing with the money" I am going on a ME vacation for my birthday, NO kids!
On the last day of each month I will post my progress on my goals. What are your goals this year?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Happy New Year!!!
Scott came home for a fast pace two weeks. We did the traditional 3 days of Christmas and then we were headed out for vacation! We left New Year's Eve for Bakersfeild, a vacation HOT SPOT! We actually spent the night so we could get up at 6am and head to DISNEYLAND!!! We had a wonderful time. My parents met us their and we spent 4 days at the park. We drove home on the 5th to unpack the truck and pack Scott up to leave for Iraq on the 6th.
Scott did talk to the company in Texas and just because of timing nothing has changed. They are staying in contact and would like to fly out to meet with Scott the next time he is home. We are still hopeful.
Now on to the new year. This is the first year in MANY that I haven't spent New Year's Day making a quilt top from start to finish. I don't feel like the year has really started. Has anyone set any Resolutions or Goals? I aim for goals, I need to review last year's and make some for this year. Plus my blog-versary is next week, hmmm what to do.